Love Shot #5: New year, new love

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Note: One of my older works so I'm sorry if it looks weird

It was a busy day. Christmas had just passed and people are now preparing to welcome the New Year. Reiko sat on the windowsill while staring at the window, one hand holding a bottle of light beer... the other holding her favorite paperback novel. She was lost in thought and did not notice that someone was approaching...


Reiko craned her neck and gave a lazy dimpled smile at her room mate/band member/soul mate who smiled back...Jessica sat across Reiko on the window sill and also stared at the city lights... the two basked on the comforting silence and the younger took another sip of the light beer she was holding...

"Are you sure?"

A low chuckle was heard from the younger girl and Jessica glanced at Rei whose gaze did not move from the colorful city lights...

"Jess, you've asked that for the third time today..."

Jessica sighed and crossed her arms, "I'm sorry but you can't stop me from being worried."

"I want to do this Jessica... no, I need to do this. It's been 7 years and with each year that I hide what I feel... a part of me slowly crumbles... I need closure so I can move on. "

"I've told you a million times that he likes you, you just don't want to believe me. But that's not what I'm worried about though, what I'm worried about is your way of telling him."

Reiko emptied the bottle of light beer and laid it on the floor, "it's not that I don't believe you Jess. I'm just not convinced."

"That's just the same thing!"

Reiko stood and grabbed the empty bottles of light beers lying at Jessica's feet. Jessica followed Reiko with her eyes, "Dan is coming back tonight to celebrate the New Year with us..."

The black haired girl had a weak smile on her face and replied in a soft voice, "I won't be here tonight..."

Jessica angrily stood and grabbed Reiko's arm, "See? That's why I'm worried! I can't understand why you need to be away when you finally tell him how you feel! How the hell can you be sure he doesn't feel the same way?! Besides i-if he doesn't feel the same way, I'm sure he would not discard all the years of friendship you two share. And Daniel is not fickle minded. I'm sure he would understand you."

The phone's loud ringing resounded throughout their shared dorm, Reiko lightly pushed Jessica's arm away and smiled, "Answer it. It's probably Ken...Roan already called earlier."


Reiko saw the worried expression on the band singer's face and she shook her head, "don't feel bad, Jessie... this is all my choice. Now go... answer the phone."

Jessica helplessly watched as Reiko padded the cold floors barefooted going to the direction of her room. Once the younger closed the door, Jessica took the cordless phone off the hook, "Hello..."

"Jessie! It's me!"


Even with the gripping feeling in his heart, Jessica smiled at the enthusiasm of her slightly younger cousin... "I'll finally be there tonight! I miss you and Rei but you know I can't celebrate Christmas there cause of work and all that stuff."

"Yes I know Danny... it's okay."

"I'll try to be there real early so I can give your presents, kay? I was supposed to give them last Christmas but there were things that I had to do plus it was hard to look for a perfect gift for Roan and Rei... you know how picky that bully is and I can't just give something imperfect to my Reiko, you know what I mean right?"

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