Visiting Mr. Bauer

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Marie, my loving wife, is already four months pregnant, and after consulting with the doctor, we made the decision to have the baby in Munich, at a hospital. We have planned to stay there for a few weeks, and we have an appointment set for the beginning of August. Fortunately, my father-in-law has kindly offered to pick us up with his car.

"What's on your mind, my love?" Marie asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I've been feeling a bit exhausted lately, but don't worry," I assured her. "I spoke with Chief Klein, and I intend to take a week of vacation to recharge."

"You really need to rest," she insisted, her words filled with warmth and affection."We need time to prepare for our little one, and you must conserve your energy. You won't be able to keep up with your usual work pace."

"I promise, I'll take care of myself," I reassured her. "I just hope our child doesn't inherit my condition."

"Gonzalo, we knew the risks, but remember, I love you, and I want a family with you,"Marie replied lovingly. "Even if our baby is born with your condition, we will ensure they receive the best care and love, just like any other child. My parents are already aware of the situation and are willing to help. If needed, we can even hire a special nurse."

Her words touched my heart, and a sense of gratitude washed over me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully, acknowledging her optimism. Marie assured me that everything was progressing well so far. Meanwhile, my parents eagerly anticipated the arrival of their grandchild and were already making plans to gather the necessary funds for my mother to visit us. I, too, sent money regularly and kept a close eye on their well-being. Unfortunately, my father, occupied with his demanding work in the mine, wouldn't be able to join us.

Since starting my job, I've been providing financial support to my family. My mother had to stop working due to her diabetes and required ongoing treatment. I made a mental note to call them soon, longing for updates on their lives and the well-being of my cousins and everyone else.

My mother used to run a small shop in town, where she sold food, drinks, and various items. She had a knack for managing money and had an uncanny ability to remember her customers. However, she occasionally struggled to refuse requests for discounts or favors from those in need, earning her the playful jests of my grandfather, who humorously attributed it to her kind-hearted nature.

At the age of eight, I began attending public school, joining my older cousins Tomas and Nacho, who were already enrolled there. Tomas, the son of my uncle Pablo,was a gentle soul who always lent a helping hand, assisting me with my wheelchair.On the other hand, Nacho was more reserved, seldom displaying his emotions, yet his loyalty to our family and friends was unwavering. The following year, my cousin Sofia, Tomas's sister, joined our close-knit group, further cementing our bond.We spent countless hours playing together, often at the beach. Sofia possessed an undeniable talent for singing, her voice resonating with pure beauty. As they frolicked in the sea and sand, I sometimes couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. I longed to join them, but my physical limitations prevented me from doing so. Nevertheless,Tomas always extended his hand, helping me navigate the sand as we builts and castles and marveled at the breathtaking sunsets. Both he and Nacho were tall,towering figures, while I inherited my mother's petite frame. As a result, I was a chubby little boy with deep brown eyes, a charming fusion of my parents' gazes, and wavy, dark hair that bore a resemblance to my father's curls and my mother's straight locks.

To this day, I retain some of that chubbiness, a fact that my wife playfully teases me about, often referring to me as her "teddy bear." Despite my physical condition limiting my participation in sports, I've learned not to let it define me. My wife, since her second visit, has always maintained a fantastic physique. She adamantly declares that she doesn't want to revert to her previous weight, back when she endured the torment of being teased as a teenager, much like my own experiences.However, I never judged her based on her appearance. Who was I to pass judgment? After all, I had always been rejected and ridiculed by girls during my time at boarding school and even university. Despite our height difference, approximately 30 centimeters, we defied odds and embraced our love.

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