Gonzalo and Marie

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It is already August and our baby is soon coming, so we decided to pack things and take a break. These last months have been intense and have strained our relationship. This is a pause we needed, and since the case was closed anyway, I can't do much.

We have reserved an apartment in Bayern, near the hospital where the baby is going to be born, the taxi is coming soon and I am trying to pack the last stuff. Ralph will drive us there, help us with the luggage's and pick us back when we return home.

"Hey guys! Hello little Merlin! How is my favorite little cutie kitty kitty.. come here... kitty kitty..let me scratch that cutie black fur that you have.."

"You little traitor!" I joked looking at how Merlin purrs while Ralph scratches his belly " Uuyy, papi is jealous, papi is jealous.."

"Hello Ralph! Please can you help us with the latest luggage s? These ones are the biggest and unfortunately Gonzalo cannot take them with one hand."

"Yes ma'am! Ufff.. I think we are going to need a crane for these ones!"

As Ralph starts, or he tries to put the luggages in the car, I take a last look at the place, check that everything is ready, and close, except the little cat door. Merlin is a very independent cat. He gets well around and normally uses his kitten box, except when he wants attention from us, he loves to explore the garden and wander around, so we installed a mini door where he can go out and enter back. I have put a chip I made around his collar, in case he gets lost, we only make sure that he gets enough water and food and normally there is no problem for a month or some weeks. Ralph agreed to take care of him as long as we are absent.

"Ok family, everything is ready and set, your driver is ready for the adventure."

"Ok Gonzalo, lets go" says Marie.

Leaving Himmelsburg is something very uncommon for me, I have not traveled since I went to Santa Maria during a summer vacation last year. Now I can at least relax for a moment, enjoy the forest, my wife aside me, feeling the wind, with the forest getting deeper as we traveled outside our town.

"Have you been reading the book?" asked Marie.

"Are you serious? People were killed. My boss was killed! Do you think I am going to have time to read that book?" I laughed at my own sarcastic joke.

"Ha! You liar!" Exclaimed Ralph laughing. "Marie, I catched him already many times at work, reading that cheesy book. What was the name? Dust?"

"Dusk 's Embrace: A Tale of Fanged Devotion!"

I was starting to blush..I Am sitting in the backseat of the car, flipping through the pages of the book Marie had insisted I read. As I skimmed through the absurd and melodramatic story, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief.

"I mean, seriously, Marie," I exclaimed, unable to hide my own amusement. "This is just too much!"

Marie, sitting beside me in the passenger seat, chuckled.

"Oh, come on, darling. It's just a bit of supernatural romance. You have to admit, it's entertaining!"

Ralph, chimed in with a grin.

"Yeah, man, you can't resist the allure of forbidden love and brooding vampires. hahahha!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, but deep down, I found myself drawn to the story's strange fascination. I paused for a moment, contemplating the characters and their dynamics. Suddenly, I blurted out

"You know, it's quite ridiculous how the female protagonist falls head over heels for the vampire guy. I mean, it's so cliché and toxic!"

Marie raised an eyebrow, teasingly.

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