Chapter 1

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Everest's POV:

Today is the day that Alex, Venus and I go to the doctor's office. I'm laying on the bed picking at my fingernails while my legs are in the stirrups for the procedure. Venus was taken into a different room, she was a little scared but still remained brave. Now we just have to wait for the doctor to come back for the implantation.

I stretch my hand out to Alex when several doctors come walking into the room, one is carrying a small, clear medical dish. She sets it down on a down on a sterile tray and sat between my legs.

"You'll feel a pinch. Squeeze Alex's hand if there is any discomfort." The doctor advises, then suddenly there is a burning feeling down below, causing me to whimper. "Just a little bit longer, hang on, you're doing so well."

"It hurts." I say, tears building up in my eyes. She grabs a different tool, then the dish from the tray. Thankfully I can't see anything due to the blanket over my legs, plus Alex and I were told not to look down there. Soon there was a clicking sound and the burning stopped, sudden relief flows through me.

"Everything went well, take some Tylenol if you are still sore in a couple hours, and don't do anything that might put stress on your body. Don't get to worried if you see some spotting, but if its still happening in a week come back. We're going to keep you for another 30 minutes just to make sure nothing goes wrong, feel free to get dressed though."

Thanking the doctor, I stand and reach for my pants and underwear, I slip them on after all but the doctor who did the procedure has left.

"She will wake up when you are roughly 20 weeks gestation, and she will still have all her memories from her previous life." The doctor states, then leaving the room.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any different?" Alex asks, coming up so we're barely 3 inches apart.

"I feel the same, but I also feel overwhelmed with the idea that a life would be solely dependent on me to survive. That I have to protect her at all costs." I rub my hand over my lower stomach where my baby is now growing.

"Well no matter what, I will help you throughout this whole pregnancy. From holding your hear back while you puke, to going to the store at 3am getting food to cure your cravings."

"I'm so exited to start a family with you." I smile at my wife. When the 30 minutes where finished, we walked back to the car and made our way back to the house.

"Once we get home, you are going straight into our room and not moving from that bed unless you have a proper reason to. Tomorrow, maybe you and I could go out and buy some of the remanding items that we need, like some swaddle blankets, a baby towel and bath, a wipe warmer, a carrier, a swing, car seat cover, white noise machine and a nursing cover." She lists off everything. When Alex and I found out they had a person in mind, we went on a shopping spree to collect everything we might have needed.

After pulling into the drive way, we got out and I made my way up to our room, changing into my pyjamas, and laid down in bed. Alex soon came up with a tray of toast and some herbal tea. I sat up and leaned against the headboard.

"Eat up my love, your officially eating for two." Alex places the tray over my lap and began to eat. When I was finished Alex stood up from beside me and took the tray.

"Thank you baby, I love you." I call out to her before she closes the door.

"I love you too, now get some rest. Today is going to be a chill day." With that she closes the door. I laid back down, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I woke up Alex was coming back into the room with a tray of food. This time it was chicken and turkey with some broccoli and spinach and a glass of water.

"Here you go baby, enjoy." I sat up and leaned against the headboard. My wife once again places the tray over my lap and took a seat next to me on the bed. Alex would be a perfect mother to our children, and moments like this just proves my point. She is caring and willing to look after someone.

When I finished she grabbed my plate and left the room. I grabbed my phone that was placed on the nightstand and scrolled through pictures of baby bumps. I'm exited when my bump is obvious, because then it shows that there is a life inside me.

The sudden urge to go to the bathroom was strong, so I stood up and quickly went to the bathroom and did my business, and sure enough there was a bit of blood. Remembering what the doctor said, I left it be and washed my hands.

Alex came and gone when dinner time came around. Around 11, she came back into the room and began getting ready for bed. Climbing, she pulled my to her side and I rested my head on hear chest, feeling the rise and fall of her breathing and hearing her heartbeat.

When we woke up around 5, I began to get dressed, I was feeling a little nauseous but I could just have some ginger beer. (A/n: I searched and google said that it is safe to drink while pregnant, because it doesn't actually have alcohol) When I finished my drink, Alex and I locked up the house, turning on the alarm system, and made our way to the car.

When we got to the mall, Alex and I bought everything we needed, and I might have gone overboard and bought more clothes, both for me and Venus when she arrives. At least we know the gender. I bought different scents for the humidifier for Venus's room.

Getting back home was difficult, as traffic was a pain in the ass. We finally got home after the sun had set, and I was exhausted. Alex decided to eat on the way back, and I love her for it because I don't think I would be awake enough to eat.

Alex and I go upstairs after making sure that everything was locked and the alarm was set, we showered together but to tired to do anything more, and laid down in bed. I felt the excitement from today disappearing, leaving me even more exhausted.

The last thing I remember is feeling Alex kiss me on the crown of my head and whispered a quiet 'goodnight baby'.

A Second Chance | girlxgirl | age regressionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن