Chapter 2

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Everest's POV:

I'm officially 11 weeks and you can see a baby bump. When I first saw it is screamed, almost giving Alex a heart attack, but the moment she saw it, she dropped to her knees and started kissing my bump and talking to it.

Even though Venus can't hear us yet, Alex likes to talk to her, saying and I quote 'I do it so when she's born, she can tell that I'm her mommy,' and not going to lie, I thought that was a smart idea.

Today Alex and I are going to the doctors to get an ultrasound to see how everything is going. I'm getting to see my baby, and there is a 99% chance I will cry. My morning sickness is a pain in the ass, but I put up with it after remembering why I'm throwing up at 4 in the morning.

Anyway, the two of us are currently sitting in the waiting area, and I'm struggling to sit still with all this excitement. I decided to wear a white shirt that shows my small bump with jeans, and I'm thankful that I can still fit them.

"Everest Grey!" A female doctor my name, causing Alex and I to stand, and she lead us into a room with a bed and a monitor. "My name is Dr. Harper and I'll be doing your ultrasound this morning. Please lay down, and pull your shirt up to just below your breasts and unbutton your jeans please."

Doing what I was told, I laid on the bed and pull my shirt up to rest just below my boobs. Dr. Harper grabbed a wheelie chair and pulled a monitor closer so she can see the screen easier.

"I'm going to put the gel on your stomach, it's going to be cold so sorry in advance." After finishing the sentence, she put the freezing cold gel on my stomach, turned the monitor on and started moving the wand around.

After a few seconds her face lights up in a giant smile. And she turns the monitor to where Alex and I can see it. On the screen is a black and white picture of my baby. I didn't even know I was crying till I felt Alex wipe something wet off my cheek.

"That's our baby." I whispered, not taking my gaze of the screen, fearing that if I do then I won't see her again.

"Would you like to hear her heartbeat?" Dr. Harper asked and I rapidly nodded my head. She began to press buttons on the keyboard then the room is filled with the fast thumping of Venus's heartbeat.

At that point I just lost all hope of not crying when a sob left my body. My baby is healthy and my hormones are sending my emotions crazy.

"Would you like me to print off some pictures for you to take home?" The doctor asked.

"Please." Alex replied, I just kept my eyes on the screen, listening to my babies heart rate.

Sadly Alex and I had to leave, but today we're going to tell our parents that I'm pregnant.

We bought a white wine that says 'Grandparents to be' then we're going to show them a picture of the ultrasound. To not give it away before hand I wore one of Alex's hoodies, because it's so baggy on me that you won see the bump.

Pulling into their driveway, Alex put the car in park, jumping out and jogs over to my side of the var to help me out, even though I tell her she doesn't need to.

Alex and I's parents live together because they've been best friends since they were kids, and when we announced that we were dating, they were over the moon and very supportive.

Alex knocked on the door, and after a minute it opens to reveal her mom.

"Hey ma, is everyone home? Alex and I have something we want to tell you guys." I said, Alex's parents are like second parents to me to I call them Ma and Pa, Alex doing the same with my parents.

"I believe everyone is in the living room. Now, hurry up and come inside." Ma steps to the side letting us in. She lead the way into the living room where I saw Pa and Dad on the couch while Mom was next to Dad.

"Alex and Everest are here, apparently they want to tell us something." Ma sat down on the couch next to Pa.

"First we want to give you guys a present." Alex hands Pa the wrapped bottle, and let me sit down on the empty chair across from them. Pa unwrapped it and laughed when he saw the white wine. "We though you would like some, but read the label."

Pa, Ma, Mom and Dad grabbed their glasses and read the label. Ma and Mom screamed with excitement, while Pa and Dad were looking at us with giant smiles.

"Who?!" Ma yelled jumping up and running over.

"Everest is, she is 11 weeks and we had our first ultrasound today. Would you like to see the picture?" Alex grabbed my purse from my lap and pulled out the envelope that is holding the pictures.

Mom, Dad and Pa all get up and crowd over Alex to see the picture. Ma and Mom had tears streaming down their faces, and made their way over to me, engulfing me if a group hug.

"My baby is growing a baby. I'm going to be a Grandma." Mom sniffled, they both pulled back after  couple more minutes. "I'm going to spoil this baby so much, they will get everything they want and more."

"Can we see the bump. I'm pretty sure your showing at this time." Ma placed her hand on my stomach and gasped. "You are showing!"

I laughed and lifted up Alex's hoodie and my shirt, Ma and Mom both placed a hand on my stomach, both looking at it with so much love. Dad and Pa had the same look in their eyes, making me glad that Venus agreed to this.

After many pregnancy stories from both Ma and Mom, eating lunch, and laughing a jokes, Alex and I decided that we should be going back home before it gets dark. Alex pulled out of their driveway and I waved goodbye when driving away. The ride home was silent except for the soft music from the radio.

When Alex pulled into the driveway and turned the car off, I practically dragged myself upstairs leaving my wife to lockup the house. I did my night routine, rubbed moisturizer over my legs, arms and stomach, then changed into my pajamas and closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion consume my body into a deep sleep.

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