chapter twelve

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Azriel's pov:

I woke up not in the mood to do anything.

I slept in the master room as always and Amelia slept in the room that I usually let the submissives sleep in, I know that she will be sad about this but I don't change my routine with anyone and I like the bed for myself only and I don't like to sleep next to anyone since me and Dante got out of jail when I was thirteen.

I'm so glad that she met Dante yesterday because she will see him a lot, he is not just like my brother he is more than that, he was the only one who was there for me when I was trying to kill myself everyday, he literally saved my life and I will be there for him no matter what.

He is the most important person in my life and I would sacrifice my life for him to be happy and I'm sure he will do the same for me, we are brothers till death and no one can come between us.

My phone's ringtone cut my thoughts and I looked at the phone to see who it was and it was Alexander, he is one of my men.

I picked up.

"What?". I said already annoyed, I really didn't want to deal with work in the morning.

"Hey don, I'm sorry to disturb you but Daniel is here". Ugh I really didn't want to deal with that in the morning but I have to because it was a very important deal that has to be done.

"Okay give me an hour"

"Okay don"

I hang up.

I called Dante as I wanted him to be with me.

"Hey bro what's up". He picked up as soon as I called him.

"Hey look Daniel is in the office and there is going to be a meeting in about an hour about the deal that I told you about"

"The cocaine deal?"


"Okay will be there"

"See you there"

We hung up and I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower then I got dressed into a black suit, I styled my hair as always and I took my gun and knife with me and I went down.

I found Amelia in the kitchen preparing food, the smell of bacon was amazing.
God I missed homemade food, I was a terrible cook so I usually ordered food or Dante cooked for me.

"Good morning master". She said as soon as she noticed me standing.

"Good morning pet, did you sleep well?"

"Yes master I did"

"How do you feel down there?". I said smirking, I just love to tease my pet.

She blushed but she didn't dare to not reply to my question, she doesn't want a punishment I guess.

"Sore master". I smirked at that.

"Good". She blushed more if that was possible.

I sat down at the table and she served for me and her the food and sat down as well.

"Hey pet I need to talk to you about something". I said looking at her, I really wanted to talk to her about this so I guess this is the best time.

"Yeah master". She said giving me her attention.

"As I told you before I want a 24/7 submissive so I want you to move in with me, are you okay with this?". I was clear about that from the beginning, I was ready for this I'm done with the temporary submissives or the submissives in bed only, I wanted the total submission, I wanted her to be mine alone and to not look at another man without my permission, I wanted to control her in every possible way.

I noticed that she was trying to hide her smile so I smirked.

"Yes master I would love that". She whispered looking at the floor that I even struggled to hear.

"Good girl pet, let me know if you want anything from your old house, now I have to go to a meeting so I want you to be a good girl for me and don't do anything stupid because I'm not in the mood to punish you today, am I understood pet?". I said taking her chin in my hand not pressing too hard but it was enought to give her a warning.

"Y.. yes I understand master". She stuttered and I removed my hand.

"Okay pet now I have to go because I can't be late". I said getting up, we said our good byes and I left.


I arrived at the company and I went to my office, me and Dante owned this company, this work was to cover up the mafia work, we were basically one of the richest men in the country.

My secretary stood up as soon as I arrived and told me that Dante was already in the office.

I entered the office and I saw Dante on the couch.

Dante was younger than me by a year so I felt like it's my responsibility to take care of him.

"Hey man". Dante said and came hugged me and we sat together.

I called Alexander to let him know that I arrived and Daniel was on his way now.
I told Dante about Amelia moving in with me and he said it was great but he will not stop coming over at my place and of course my answer was 'are you crazy' , it's literally as if he is asking me to kill myself like who or what will stop him for coming over, I mean Amelia obeys me No matter what and if she didn't she will have to.

I heard the door opening and there he was Daniel.

"Hey don"

"Hey". Me and Dante responded, even if I was the don Dante was the don as well, the only reason I became the don not him was because I was older than him, we can't be anything without each other.
Daniel sat on the left chair in front of my desk and Dante came and sat on the right chair in front of my desk.

"Okay don about the cocaine, I want you to deliver it to me by the end of this week". Daniel said hiding his hesitation, we agreed on delivering it by the end of the month so if he wants it early, he has to pay more.

"And why is that?". I said almost angry, I don't like changing my words and i know that Dante is angry as well.

"I just need it". He said almost getting angry.

"Well if you need it that bad you have to pay more". Dante spoke for me.

"I'm asking the don, and you are not the don aren't you". Oh my god he has got some nevers to talk to Dante like this in front of me, people know that if you mess with one of us, you mess with both of us.
I picked my gun and pointed at his fucking ugly face, he swallowed hard, good he should be fucking scared.

Dante looked unimpressed, he knows that I'm protective when it comes to him.
"If he wants to come sit in my place and be the don, I will fucking let him gladly so if you want to say any disrespectful comments to any of us, you won't come out of this fucking room, apologize to him asshole". I said raising my voice, I'm so fucking angry right now.

"Why would I, he is the one who should apologize, and he is not a man enough to be in your place, he is a fagot, isn't he?".

Did he just say that in front of me?

I didn't think twice before I pulled the trigger in his fucking skull.

Dante gasped.

"Azriel you just lost a deal with fucking millions, let alone his family's revenge.". He said as if I cared, he knows that I don't.

"I don't fucking care Dante, he disrespected you, you will do the same if he did this to me and you know it.". He didn't say anything after that because he knows that I'm right.

I called my men to come and clean this fucking mess, now that was a fucking bad day.

His Property Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora