chapter sixteen

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Azriel's pov:

Yesterday was a a hell of a night, after we finished our dinner with fucking nick of course I punished amelia and I knew she didn't like her punishment as she should.

I'm getting ready to go with Dante having some work done, of course illegal work.
Amelia is still sleeping tired from last night's punishment, then I saw her move and rubbing her eyes with her hands.

God she is beautiful.

"Are you leaving master?" She asked with her sleepy voice.

"Yes me ana dante are going to get some work done"

"Okay I'm going to prepare breakfast". I love that she is trying to please me in every way possible.

"No don't worry about it, I will eat with Dante plus I'm late so I don't have time to wait for food". I wasn't upset, I just don't want her to tire herself especially after yesterday's punishment.

"I'm sorry master, I should have woken up earlier to serve you breakfast". God I love how submissive she is.

I walked to her and gave her a soft kiss.
"Don't worry about it gorgeous, I know you are tired". She smiled at me and blushed.

"Now I have to go before Dante gets mad, goodbye pet"


"Soo the family that you killed their son is really fucking mad and I guess they will come after us for revenge". Dante said speaking about the homophobic guy and his fucking family again.

"I told you Dante let them come, I don't fucking care, he disrespected you and he deserved it and anyone who dares to disrespect you or me dies". He chuckled and we entered the office.

"Soo you put cameras in the penthouse?". Dante asked.

"Yeah, Amelia doesn't know about our real work so I put cameras just to make sure she is safe". I don't want her to be in danger because of me and I don't know how to tell her about my work or even if she will accept it but the only thing I know that she is obsessed with me and I don't think she will leave me because of my work, plus sooner or later she will know.

He was gonna say something but my phone stated ringing and when I saw who it was, it was Amelia.

I answered the phone.

"Hello master, s..sorry to bother you but I think I hear some voices downstairs, I think there is someone in the house". Her voice sounded scared, my heart dropped.
I opened my computer and opened the live video of the cameras that I put in the penthouse.

Oh fuck there is someone in the house.

"Hey Amelia I want you stay in the room until I come to you, understood?"

"Yes master"

I hung up the phone ana stood up quickly.

"What is wrong". Dante asked confused.

"There is someone in the house, I think they began Thier revenge". I said smirking, they are so dumb for going into my place, I'm gonna kill them all.

"Let's go then, should I take our men". There is no need of that.

"No, there are two of them, we can take more than them"

"Okay then let's go kill those mother fuckers"


Me and Dante saw the house cameras and I saw that the two guys in the living room, I don't know who they think they are but today they will know to never fuck with me or Dante ever again.
I opened the door with my gun and I shooted on one of the two in the head before he can do anything, but the second guy I need informations so I need him alive.

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