Aunty's son ?

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It was just another boring day for Katsuki Bakugo, school easy as always and having to deal with all the stupid extras of this pathetic school. It would be unbearable to him like most other days if it wasn't for his mind being distracted, all his thoughts being plagued by what happened that Faithfull night a week after his birth. Of course he was for to young when it happened and couldn't remember any of it, besides, the death that affected his parents back then didn't affect him since he never knew his aunt.

But 3 years ago his old hag wanted to do a trip down a memory lain about Inko. the 3 of them looked down at old photos and recordings after forcing him for the first time to go pay hommage to her. He wasn't interested at first, paying hommage to someone he never had the chance to met was not his concern but he would lie telling he still wasn't after the memory trip. He asked his mother to tell him more about what happened but she always refused, coming back every time with the same bullshit excuse of "you're to young to know brat, trust me".

Eventually however, his curiosity got the better of him and a few mouth ago he said "f**k it ! I'll get the information myself !" It was not long for him to get what he was looking for, he knew Aunty Inko died at the same hospital he was born in and knew the date of the event, so it was a peace of cake. He found the press articles that talked about the event and he didn't expect it to be so massive and that well documented. whatever happened that day sure made quite the ruckus back then. 

The more he read, the more he started to understand why the old hag wanted him far from all the public information avalable about the event. In fact, it is quite unbelievable how those articles where not shut down with the amount of information avalable in them, the descriptions provided could very well be the script of a f**king horror movie ! It could and should have been the end of it, but the story kept plaguing his mind to the point the other extras at school and the teachers caught him distracted in class, which pissed him off to no ends ! Because of it, he found himself a few days later seeking more answers on forums dedicated to the affair, and after hours of scrolling he found a post that changed his life forever. A supposed extra claimed to have deleted photos of the crime scene, many called him out as a faker and he only responded with a link in .onion and Katsuki, consumed by curiosity downloaded Tor and opened it.     

Since then, he had very few nights without nightmares and he forever cursed himself for the decision he made back then. He couldn't hide it from his mother since like many unfortunate people back then had th misfortune to see the pictures in the news before it was deleted, the moment she saw her son at diner after he saw the photos she knew he manege to see them. Because once you did saw them, however tough you thing you are, you never recover.

He got Shaked out of his thoughts by the uproar of his class, the teacher just announced about the upcoming time for all of them to chose their futur carrier and that of course all of them were targeting professional heroism. What a f**king joke ! He knew he would be the only one of those extras to be real pro hero, most of them had borderline useless quirks and were all dumb as f. He would be the new number one, he will face his fears and avenge his Aunt, he will be the one that will send the Emerald Wendigo into Tartarus !

It was time to leave, after one of his famous stunts about him being the futur number one and every other students being trash a got himself on the way back home, dismissing his two lackeys or more accurately parasites as fast as he could he decided to take a longer path than usual to make sure he would not meet the 2 useless f**kers again. While once again he got completely lost in his own thoughts about the Wendigo that he didn't even realized that he just got under a bridge, nor did her see or eared the disgusting slime f**ker that just emerged from the sewers. 

Slime Vilain : OMG ! Finally a suitable meat costume, thank you so much kid you're a life savior ! 

Bakugo : WTF ?! Stay the f**k away from me if you know what is good for you, slimy s**t ! 

The slime vilain lunched himself straight to Katsuki who immediately retaliated with with a big explosion from both of his hands joined together, the slime vilain got lunched back to collide with the wall behind him but with not enough force to get completely splattered everywhere.   

Slime Vilain : You f**king worm, brat ! You're gonna suffer longer for this !

Bakugo : Like hell I will ! come at me !

This time the slime faked to throw himself directly at the teen again only to latch under the bridge just above Bakugo, dodging his defensive attack and let himself right on him expending his body quite far to make sure the boy could not jump away. 

Slime Vilain : Where is that confidence of yours now, ha ?! Now I'm gonna get into your body and if you do not struggle to much I will not make you suffer for more than 1 and a half minute okay ?

Katsuki trashed as hard as he could throwing explosions in every directions, the ones that did make contact only died out inside the slime body. The vilain got really annoyed and started inserting himself inside Bakogu's nose, it got him in enough pain to make him open his mouth giving him another access. The slime vilain started giggling and made sure to make the process as painful as possible when suddenly... 

Both instantly froze in total terror has they heard those cries, and soon after they were replaced by sounds of heavy footsteps above their head and someone, no something sniffing them out. For 5 seconds it stopped making the vilain think he was gonna be okay before two big clawed hands appear at the corned of the bridge behind him followed by a giant deer skull head and those words. 

Izuku : h-h-hungry... bad... people... makes... me... so... hungry...

Before they could do anything, Izuku threw himself on the vilain, tearing him appart from Bakugo before reaping apart the slime part were the eyes and brain were located and fleed with it. As Katsuki was throwing up all the slime in his body and tried to get his mind back on track, the sewage gate got blown opened. 


Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now