A New Classmate

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All students of class 1-A were standing inside of their classroom, in an even more chaotic state than usual. They were currently waiting for EraserHead while talking about what happened in the USJ. They may have been spared from being a part of the event but they learned about the attack as soon as the news got hold of it.  

 When they received news from UA that classes were canceled, they didn't understand at first. The reasons given to them were very vague and it was obvious that some information were withhold form them. Yet they did not expect what they saw on the news that day. Most were glad to see no causalities, though they were quite concerned when they saw the state their teacher and other heroes were in.

Mina : I still can't believe some vilains got crazy enough to attack UA !

Momo : Not as crazy as you think, they did attack a remote location and were expected to have the element of surprise. Also, you saw how many they were. 

Tokoyami : I also suspect that they had knowledge of a class happening, the timing for their attack correspond perfectly, also we had a class outside yesterday morning if I remember well. 

Mineta : You mean it was suppose to be us in the USJ !!!

Bakugo : Shut up grape ! We would have beat their a** anyway.

Iida : Bakugo, watch your language, it is improper in UA !

Aizawa (entering the room) : Silence ! All of you get back to your seats !

Silence took hold of the classroom as they looked at their teacher at the entrance, his harm hold in place by bandages. once they were all back to their seats, he got to his desk followed closely by Nezdu to the general surprise of the students.

Nedzu : Hello everyone, I can see that you are all surprised by my presence so allow us to clarify the situation.  

Aizawa : As you've all already guess, you didn't have class yesterday morning because we found out about the vilain attack on the school before it happened. You were suppose to take a rescue class in hazardous environments at the USJ, supervised by me, 13 and All Might.  

Nedzu : Fortunately, one of our newest 'first year student' proved himself incredibly talented and intelligent and gave us the opportunity to save you all from a far too early confrontation with real vilains.  

All of class 1_A erupted in a myriad of whispers with those news. They indeed concluded that it was how things turned out, the smartest of them even had already suspected that the journalist incident was not really an accident. However, they did not expected that the whole plot got unveiled by a first year.  

Nedzu : Everyone, your attention please !

Everyone settled down

Nedzu : I have two main annoncement for you concerning the aftermath of this affair. First : as soon as the USJ is fully operational again, which should be in 2 days, you will have your rescue class at the facility as originally intended.

Aizawa : Before you ask stupid questions with obvious answers, yes of course the security will be far more tight when you will all go there. There will be no danger this time...

Nedzu : Now, the second main annoncement is that the new student who saved you all from being victim to this "LOV" is officially joining your class today !

All students excepte the quiet ones and of course Bakugo got really excited to learn that their mysterious 'savior' was joining their class today. Though even they tried to not show it, they could not completely masked their interest.

Mina : That is super cool ! I can't wait to meet him !

Momo : First year in hero school and already defeating vilains, count me impressed.

Tokoyami : Assisted or not, he saw what everyone else missed. 

Kirishima : that's so freaking manly ! 

Uraraka : May-maybe he can teach me a few things.

Katsuki : tssk, just another extra who I'm gonna kick the a** !

Aizawa : All of you quiet down ! Can't you take an annoncement without turning this class into a circus ?!

everyone shut up

Nedzu : thank you Aizawa-san. As for your last statement young Katsuki, I suggest you loose this mindset of underestimating your opponents as fast as you can. 

Aizawa : Especially with your new classmate Bakugo. After all, I don't have to remind you the condition you ended up after your fight against him during the simulation training. *sadistic grin*

With those last words, the class fall into a mortal silence and all the students shuddered like the temperature of the room was cut in half. Most palled as they realized who their new classmate actually was.

Nedzu : All right, we have lost enough time chit chatting. Since I have to get back to my duties lets introduce you all to your new colleague. *press the bouton of an intercom* Please come in Midoryia-san.

The silence was broken by very heavy hoof-steps just in the outside of the 1-A. After 5 seconds a very big hand with long fingers and claws emerged from the opening of the door and opened it agonizingly slowly. Once the door was pushed enough for Izuku's giant frame to fit though, The Wendigo entered the class bend forward before completely standing up.

 Once the door was pushed enough for Izuku's giant frame to fit though, The Wendigo entered the class bend forward before completely standing up

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(red eyes instead of yellow)

Izuku stood there, towering over the entire class at the top of his 8 meters (26,2 feet). His gaze scanned the entire class, his piercing red eyes making most of the students flinch or even back down in fear as he made eye contact. After what felt like an eternity, he finally talk.

Izuku : Greetings... other students from class 1-A... I am joining you all today... May we become good aquitaines... and how knows... we may even become friends... 


Hello everyone, I apologize for those few weeks of absences but I have been a very busy man this last month (getting my driving licence, learning my futur job, mail problems, etc...)

Anyway, here is the new chapter, hope you enjoy :)  

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now