13. Vacation and The Kiss

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Timeskip - 2 days

After Barry had defeated the Golem, MetaHumans attacks were decreasing, only some small robberies to stop. Even at the CCPD Barry didn't had much work to do. Joe went for a vacation with Cecile and Jenna.

In starlabs,
Cisco was still texting Felicity. When Barry and Caitlin noticed it they questioned....

Caitlin: Cisco, what are you texting to Felicity. I have noticed it you were also texting her 2 days ago.

Cisco: Well, we were planning something.

Barry: And what is it?

Cisco: Well, MetaHuman attacks have been decreasing. And we are just dealing with small robberies that CCPD can handle themselves. How about we 6 of us go to a vacation. Me,Kamila, You,Caitlin, Felicity and Oliver.

Barry: Are Oliver and Felicity free. Because crime never sleeps in starcity.

Cisco: That's what I was discussing with Felicity and Oliver. They agreed. They said that crime rate in starcity is coming down surprisingly. And for backup they have Thea and Diggle to take care things. So what do you say Barry and Caitlin.

Barry: Cool! Let's go.

Caitlin: Yes! I am in.

Barry: So, when and where are we going?

Cisco: I have booked this Private island.

Then suddenly a familiar voice came from the cortex.

Felicity: And we are going now snowbarry.

Caitlin: Hey! Felicity and Oliver.

Them she goes and hugs Felicity.... and then Barry goes and hugs her and shakes hands with Oliver.

Barry: So, we are going now.

Oliver: yes! Right now.

Caitlin: Hey, guys I need time to pack my stuffs.

Cisco: Don't worry. Barry will help you. Am I right Barry?

Barry: uh...okay!

Felicity: Now go!

Barry then runs Caitlin to her apartment.

Barry: I will be right back Cait!

She nods...

Then Barry runs to his apartment and starts packing his stuffs using his speed. He then finished packing his stuffs and runs to Caitlin apartment and helped her pack her stuff. Packing her stuff took more time than packing his stuffs. Then they ran back to starlabs, were Cisco, Kamila, Felicity and Oliver were waiting for them.

Barry: So, how are we going. Car, Train or The Flash.

Cisco: No, we are going in Car/Van.

Then, Cisco was driving the Van, it was a 30 mimutes drive and Oliver sat beside him. At the second row Kamila and Felicity were sitting together and at the last row Barry and Caitlin were sitting. There was silence for some minutes. And Cisco spoke up and broke the silence...

Cisco: Well, I forgot to tell that, the house in the island has only 3 rooms. And I am staying with Kamila. What about you guys.

Felicity: I am staying with Oliver. Barry and Caitlin will stay in the other room.

Barry and Caitlin were going to talk but nothing came out their mouths. They just stayed silent. Then they reached the shore where they stepped in the boat and they reached the island. They went to their respective rooms. It was a decent room. Not too big nor too small. Barry and Caitlin were almost silent in the room, then barry breaks the silence

Barry: Hey, Cait. I don't know how we are gonna sleep tonight. So, I will sleep on the ground you may have the bed.

Caitlin: No. No. You are not going to sleep on the ground. U know... u can.. sleep in the bed.....with me not like that but we can share the bed.

She stutters but manages to say that words. She was blushing and Barry was too.

Barry: Ok. If you don't mind.

Time - 8pm

All 6 gathered around the table near the shore. Enjoying the beautiful view of the sea. Cisco brought some drinks for all 6 of them. But he forgot to bring Barry's drink.

Cisco: I am sorry Barry. I didn't got your drinks.

Barry: No problem Cisco. You guys start drinking I am alright. I will be the one who will take care of you guys when you drink too much.

Oliver: Don't worry Barry! I am not going to drink too much. I am going to sleep early.

Then they started eating and drinking. Oliver went to sleep. Kamila had some work to do so she left. Now Caitlin was too much drunk so Cisco and Felicity left to Barry and Caitlin alone. They went near a tree and hid behind it.

Barry was sitting beside Caitlin who was fully drunk.

Barry: You have drank too much Caitlin. You need to start controlling it.

Barry smiles and snatches the bottle from Caitlin's hand.

Caitlin: Bawry my love, please one last drink. Please.

Barry was shocked but he thought she was soo much drunk.

Barry: No Caitlin. It's enough. You can't even pronounce my name properly. Now get up we will go for a walk. It can freshen you up.

Caitlin groans and agrees. He helps her to get up and she laid her head on his shoulder and they start walking. Cisco and Felicity were following them slowly.
Then Both Caitlin and Barry decided to sit near the shore Caitlin head still in Barry's shoulder.

Caitlin: Barry! Thank you.

Barry: Why Caitlin?

Caitlin: For taking care of me.

Barry: I will always take care of you Cait.

Caitlin: Aw. Barry I Love you.

Barry didn't knew how to answer was she saying the truth or she was too much drunk.

Barry: I love you too Cait.

Then she leans ahead to kiss Barry but barry stops her.

Barry: Cait! You are drunk. And I can't take advantage of you.

Caitlin: Come on Barr. One kiss. I may or may not remember this moment tomorrow morning.
So she comes near him and finally kisses him. He kisses her back cupping her face. But they didn't knew that Cisco was recording all these. Felicity just Whispers to Cisco...

Felicity: Aw. They are so cute together.

Cisco: Yes I know! Snowbarry almost going to happen.

Then Barry and Caitlin separate from their kiss.

Barry: Let's go and sleep Cait. It's getting late and Cold.

Caitlin: Let's go Bawry.

Then they head to their room and Caitlin slept in the same dress and went to sleep and Barry slept beside her. Caitlin comes close to Barry and snuggles with him. Then, Barry slowly fell asleep.

(Author: Well, we just saw drunk Caitlin again in the gap of 2 chapters. And She kissed him and confessed her feelings but she was drunk this time. And you guys know Caitlin doesn't remember anything that she did when she was drunk. And the good old Cisco and Felicity. Don't worry, Oliver didn't had much time in this chapter, there will be some Oliver and Barry moments in next chapter. So vote for faster updates.)

Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️....

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