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Timeskip - 3 months

It has been 3 months, when Barry asked Caitlin to marry her. So, Barry and Caitlin decides to get married next week. So, they arrived at the cortex holding hands. They had invited Cisco, Kamila, Joe,Cecile, Wally, Allegra, Oliver, Felicity, Ralph.

Ralph: So, what's the big news Rookie?

Barry: We are getting married next week. So, we've invited all of you for some shopping and for some party.

Joe: So happy for you two!

Oliver: Congrats Barry and Caitlin!

Ralph: Very good Barry! You have completed the book of Ralph!

Cisco: Ralph! That's the same thing you said me.

Felicity: Let's go Snowbarry!

Then the boys and the girls split up and head to do some shopping.

After some time, the boys had already finished shopping and they started partying at starlabs. The girls needed some more hours and they went to Barry's loft for partying. All of them fell asleep in the loft and at the starlabs.

Timeskip - 1 week
The Wedding Day....

Barry had to sleep in starlabs. The girls didn't let him see Caitlin at the day of wedding. They arrived at the wedding venue. Barry stood up on the stage besides him his bestman Cisco and Oliver.

Then Caitlin walks up to the aisle with Joe. Alongside with her bridesmaids Kamila and Felicity and her mother.

Barry was mesmerized after seeing Caitlin. She looked beautiful as always, but this was a different moment for him.

Then the marriage officiant speaks up....

Officiant: We are gathered here to officiate the wedding of Bartholomew Henry Allen and Caitlin Thomas Snow. So, does anyone oppose the wedding.

The guests remained silent...

Officiant: So, it's the time for exchanging vows.

Barry: Caitlin, the first time I met you was the time I first woke up from a Coma. You have been through some rough patches, but you Caitlin Snow stood tall and faced them. You are a brave and an inspiring women. And I promise you that I will keep you safe and take care of you for my whole life.

Caitlin: Barry, first time I met you I was sad and broken. When we had our first conversation you asked me that I don't smile so much. But the very next day, you made me smile after many days. Yes, I have faced rough patches in life, but you helped me to overcome those patches. Also, you too had faced difficulties in your life. I promise you that I will make you the happiest man alive.

Officiant: Do you Bartholomew Henry Allen, accept Caitlin Thomas Snow as your wife.

Barry: Yes!

Officiant: Do you Caitlin Thomas Snow, accept Bartholomew Henry Allen as your husband.

Caitlin: Yes!

Officiant: I now officially declare you as a lawfully wedded Husband and Wife. Bartholomew Henry Allen you may now kiss the bride.

Barry then kisses Caitlin, as they are now officially husband and wife. Then everyone came up and congratulate them.

They started dancing together...

Barry: So.... Mrs.Allen!

Caitlin: Yes, Mr.Allen.

Barry: What do you think about having a family.

Caitlin: We are already a family.

Barry: No. Not that. I mean .... having....um.....kids.

Caitlin rolls her eyes and blushes.

Caitlin: Bartholomew Henry Allen. Are you not moving so fast.

Barry: Um.... It's your choice. And we already made-out couple of times so..

Caitlin: Well, I think its a good idea.

Caitlin smirks at Barry. Barry then just kisses her. They were happy after a long time. Both Barry and Caitlin had lost important people in their life. It was like a dream for them. But it was the reality. They have done it finally. They managed to move on from all the sadness and darkness.

(Author: Sorry, if you don't like the wedding part. I am not good at writing about wedding. So I am sorry for that. And this is the end of the story. I know this story has only 20 chapters. But I ran out of ideas, so I decided to wrap it up. But don't worry I will be writing a new story soon. Will be based on season 1 and 2 maybe. It will have some happy moments. So, it will be like a good to read story. So, thay will follow the original story of season 1 and 2 with some major changes and 1 extra character. Obviously it will be a snowbarry story. So, be ready for that. I will try to make longer chapters in that. So, meet you guys in the next story soon.)

Thank you for the support.
Love you all 💗💕....

The End

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