Chapter 25 - Resisting Temptation

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A smile slowly spread across Eleanor's face and her heart melted as she looked up at this handsome man in front of her that she was so in love with. She didn't have to even think about it.

Without hesitation she said, "Even if it puts my life in danger, I'd rather have a short life with you Henry than a long life with anyone else," feeling tears burning at her eyes as she blinked them away. "My answer is yes. A thousand times yes."

He smiled, pulling in at her waist and bringing her body against his as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back. She felt butterflies in her stomach and it almost felt like she could float right off the ground.

She eventually pulled back from the kiss and looked up into his eyes. He smiled softly and whispered, "I love you."

She smiled back and whispered, "I love you too," before he leaned in and kissed her again. She had never felt happier in her entire life than she did in that moment and she knew nothing else could ever top that.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest. Even though he was cold and wet, she didn't care. Being wrapped up in his strong arms against his solid chest made her feel safe and like she was exactly where she was meant to be.

She finally lifted her head, resting her chin against his chest and looking up at him. "So when do we go in front of the King's Council to see if they'll approve of us marrying?"

"First thing tomorrow morning?"

"TOMORROW MORNING!?!" she shouted, stepping back from him and giving him a look of disbelief. "I thought we'd have more time!"

"Well that's my fault. As soon as I found out what the Royal law books said, I secretly called for an emergency meeting of the King's Council, but then I saw you and Arthur together and I jumped to conclusions. I thought you wanted to be with him so I didn't tell you about the meeting because I was planning to cancel it, but luckily I never did."

She shook her head, feeling suddenly anxious and a knot was growing in the pit of her stomach. "But I won't have enough time to prepare and practice what I'm going to say. I might say or do the wrong thing and embarrass myself, and you."

He gave her a soft smile, cupping the side of her face in his hand. "Eleanor, you don't need to practice or pretend to be someone you aren't. Just go in there and tell the truth and be yourself. If you do that, they'll love you just like I do."

She nodded, giving him a forced smile, but inside she couldn't help but feel anxious. She remembered the way Thomas Fletcher had yelled at her for every mistake she made and him saying that everyone would be able to tell she wasn't fit to be a courtier. If that was the case, then how could she possibly convince people that she was fit to be a Queen and the mother of the future rulers of England?

"If they do give us their stamp of approval," Henry said, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. "I'll have Father Lawrence ready to perform our wedding ceremony immediately afterwards at the chapel. Just make sure you don't tell anyone about the meeting or our plans, not even your sisters. If my mother or Guinevere gets wind of what we're planning, they'll do anything to stop us, and I mean anything."

Eleanor nodded. "I promise I won't tell anyone. I might tell myself, but don't worry, I won't believe it," she smiled.

That made him smile too and he pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her back. "If luck and fate are on our side, by this time tomorrow, you and I will be husband and wife."

She smiled up at him and said, "Let's hope they are," letting out an exhale. Fate and luck never seemed to be on her side though. She let out an exhale and laid her head on his chest again, thinking.

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