She's The One: Chapter 3

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Hours Later: Mila

When you open you're eyes and look around the room you see that you're hooked up to a machine and the gunshot wound was bandage up. You thought you were in a hospital but when you tried to open the door it was locked from the outside. "Help! Someone Help!" You scream while banging on the door and crying but it's no use no one can hear you, as a couple of hour's pass you get up to try again but the door swing's open and someone come's in, you hide behind the door before they can see you and when they get in you try to escape but they grab you from behind. "Let go of me" you say while jabbing them in the stomach but they still didn't let go. "Hey calm down im not going to hurt you!" the person say's as he close's the door behind him. "W-who am i? Where am i?" you ask as you back away from him as he looks at you like your crazy. "You don't know who you are?" he ask's you. "N-no can you tell me who i am? p-please" you reply but there's no answer as the man get's up and leave's.

Meanwhile: Zane

When you arrive at the warehouse where Andy brought Mila to patch her up you see Andy coming toward's you. "Did you get any information out of here? anything useful?" Zane ask's. "It's hard to get information out of her when she can't even remember who she is boss. I think the bullet that grazed her head gave her memory loss. Having her locked up inside a box to keep her safe isn't helping either. She already tried to escape once, she's like a lost puppy she's not going to even try to remember because she's to frightened to think right now." Andy say's to Zane. "Yeah your right, i'll get Ember to bring her back to her place perhaps she can try to calm her down, she won't be locked up in a box either which may help, ill call Ember" Zane replies. "Boss are you sure that's such a good idea? i mean i know that if she's out of the room she might trust us a little more but what if she trie's to escape again?" Andy ask's Zane. "We will just have to hope she doesn't try again now won't we?" Zane replies.

When Ember arrives she meet's with Zane and Andy outside of where Mila is being held

"Boss? you needed me for something?" Ember ask's. "Yes i need you to go in there and try to calm the girl down, it's no use trying to get any information out of her. Andy think's the bullet that grazed her in the head by may have given her memory loss and now she can't remember anything. I just need you to try and calm her down and take her to your house for tonight, we need her to trust us if she's going to be staying with us for a while until i can set her up with a new life so she doesn't have to keep running forever." Zane replies. "If her boyfriend has disappeared why does she need to get set up with a new life?" Ember ask's Zane. "Before we left the scorpion's hideout i managed to snatch her boyfriend's ID, turn's out he has a brother and from what i heard from my source on the inside his brother already know's that we have her." Zane replies. "Ok ill try but i can't promise anything boss" Ember say's. As Ember enter's the room she see's that Mila has multiple bruises on her arm's and face but before she inches close to her she introduces herself first. "Hey there, My name is Ember. Do you wan't to tell me your's?" She say's in a soft voice. "I-i don't remember my name. I don't remember anything. C-can you tell me why im here?" Mila replies. "I think it would be better if my boss told you but right now he's dealing with something, so while he's dealing with that I'm going to take you back to my place, is that ok with you?" Ember ask's "I-i guess, I-ill be safe right?" Mila ask's. "Listen, i know that you're scared but my boss is just trying to keep you safe from what happened tonight, i know you don't remember anything but it's for the better." Ember replies. "O-ok i guess ill t-trust you for now" Mila replies.

(Paypal 3.45$ this time because this paragraph was the longest yet i need new fingers.)

(Word count 796)
(Spoiler: Ember may be a possible special someone ✨)

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