She's The One: Chapter 13

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A year later

After Zane surrendered to the CIA Andy stayed in new york for a bit before moving to the coast, as for the crew..everyone joined the scorpion's for money as well as the North Side Crew, as for Ember and Andy they still keep in contact whenever a new lead about Mila come's up but for the past year they either all have been false information or just a dead end, when Ember get's in her apartment her phone ring's and she pick's up immediately, "Andy did you get another lead? anything at all?" Ember say's to him on the phone, "I don't wan't you to get your hope's up so I did some research first after Ivor called me a week ago but..he found her Ember, you're going to wan't to see this for yourself, get down to the coast as soon as possible we have no time to waste on this we have to move fast" Andy replies and then hanging up. After what feel's like forever for Ember she finally arrive's at Andy's, "Andy you in there?" Ember say's while knocking on the door but no response, when she knock's again the door budges open a bit and she can see a blood trail leading from the front to the back door, she haul's out her gun and check's the house but there's no sign of Andy anywhere, when she head's into the kitchen she see's a map with a marked route with the word's Operation Z and CIA Black site Escort Route written on it, "the only person i could think of that he would need this information for is Zane, the Scorpion's must have gotten to Andy before I arrived..if they saw this..Zane is in trouble and this is for tomorrow..but if he was planning to break zane out..someone big besides the scorpion's must be involved with Mila's kidnapping if we need Zane.." Ember say's to herself as she haul's her phone out and make's a call.

A day later

"Get ready we're coming up on the convoy now, just as the middle suv off the road and gas the other's, in and out just like we wen't over are we clear?" Ember say's over a radio to Ivor and his crew
"We're all clear Ember" Ivor replies as he speed's up and matches speed with the middle suv, "alright let's get this done" Ember say's. As soon as Ivor slam's against the suv one of the tire's hit's a rock and the suv flip's multiple times in the air and land's upright, the other two suv's stop but before they could get out Ivor's crew threw the gas through the window's, "get that door open now, we don't have much time before the rest show up" Ember say's. (Zane's Pov) when the suv hit's the ground Zane feel's blood dripping from his head and his vision start's to get blurry, he thought he heard Ember speaking but before he could look he black's out.

(Short chapter again mb bro mb word count: 519)

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