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To say I'm surprised and pissed at the same time at this man is an understatement.

He sits on the coffee table opposite me as he holds his contract fresh out of the printer. While mine was handwritten. It didn't make me feel pathetic, though, it did make me feel poor in some way.
From what it seems from his paper, he has a set of three rules, while I'm sitting here with five. He says, "Ladies first."

I slide my paper over to him and let him read it by himself.

(1) No touching of any kind is allowed no matter what.
(2) I am allowed to date outside this marriage to whomever I choose.
(3) I will be given a monthly allowance of four-thousand dollars as my own.
(4) As connected to rule number one, no touching, no sleeping together, no sharing room. If I do not wish to see your face for the rest of the day, it's my choice.
(5) I will not change my last name.

He looks up with a cocky smirk, "You thought this through, huh?" I silently hold my hand out for his paper and he passes it to me. Three rules and that's it. Cocky bastard.

1 No mention of this marriage outside this house no matter what. No one should know except for the three people that already know.
2 No interference with my work no matter what.
3• A wedding ring will be worn by both of us at all times.

I scoff, "Forget about the wedding ring thing. I don't accept." He nods, understanding, barely, "Okay, if you want to cut out a rule from my contract then it's fair I get to cut out from yours too, right?" I raise my brow, "And do enlighten me which rule you plan on cutting off?" He smirks, "Rule number four."

"Fuck no!"

"Then you have to accept the ring rule, sweetheart."

I steal a glance at Kevin but he's quiet this moment, letting me make my decisions. I swallow and know instantly I can always take the ring off when I'm on a date. No one will know. Easy. So I swallow my pride, "Fine. I accept all your rules." He nods and takes the contract I have written and signs his name under it. I don't wait to do the same. We exchange the contracts and sign on our own.

I led my hand for a firm handshake and he asks, "Forgetting your own rule?" I sigh, "Dick." He snorts and slaps his hand into mine, giving me a firm handshake with his warm hand. Then he says to Kevin, "Pack your bags. You're going on a business trip."

I've been at him for hours, "Why can't I go with him?" He sighs, "Because it's only meant for one person, sweetheart. He goes on a business trip and you stay out here where I can keep my eyes on you." Kevin was already upstairs and packing with the new clothes Carmelo got him and a new suitcase and a new laptop and phone. He left me only after making me promise thrice that I will not attack Carmelo with my nails.

Mr & Mrs CarmeloWhere stories live. Discover now