Chapter Two - Luca?!

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Hello again! Here is chapter two. Please don't be a silent reader and lmk what you think!


Recap: they just walked into the police station

Luca POV

He walked me all the way to the back, saying hi to people as we walked. I kept my head down the whole time. He opened a door and let me in, and I continued to keep my head down.

"Here he is, Captain Naismith." Officer Freeborn spoke from behind me. I shifted from foot to foot nervously and dug my fingers into the hand that wasn't still holding the officer's into my palm, the familiar feeling calming my nerves.

"Hello, son." And older voice greeted me, and I saw shiny black shoes in front of my tattered ones. There were knees there too, and I look up, surprised, only to see an older man squatting there with a soft look on his face.

"My name is Captain Naismith, but you can call me Rick. I think you are Luca?" I nodded in confirmation. "Do you want to have a seat, buddy?" He pointed to a very comfy looking couch on the wall.

I nodded tentatively, but when he teaches to pat my head, I flinched, expecting a hit. You don't deserve anything, The voice spoke again.

"Go on then, buddy. You can sit." I walked over and hoisted myself onto the couch with just a bit of difficulty. Officer Freeborn and Rick looked like they were having a conversation with their eyes, or at least that's what Calvin always said it looked like his parents were doing if something was wrong.

"Alright buddy, I actually have some exciting news for you! Since Frank—" I flinched again at the name "—is going away for awhile, you have some older brothers you get to go stay with! How does that sound?"

How did that sound? Not too bad, I don't think. Unless they're like Sir. Then it would be very bad. Who are you kidding, you don't deserve anything better than Sir, the voice spoke again.

"O-ok" I mumbled.

"We already have your DNA in the system. Your brothers have been looking for you for a long time, buddy. I'm gonna go call them."

I just nodded.

Captain Naismith POV

I sat down in my office and picked up the phone, quickly dialing the eldest Romeo brother's number. We already had Luca's DNA in the system from when the brothers put in the missing persons report over seven years ago.

The phone rang, and it rang, and it rang—

Massimo POV

God, I have so much shit to do. Shipments are randomly going missing, which means I think we have a mole, Alonzo is one grade away from flunking out, and our family is just falling apart.

I pour myself another glass of whiskey—the second of the day—and it's only 11am. I run my hands through my hair, sighing deeply.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

My phone interrupts my thoughts, and an unknown number flashes on the screen. I answer it without even thinking.

"Who is this?" I question gruffly, rubbing my hand over my face.

"Hello. Is this by chance a Massimo Romero?" A voice—sounds to belong to an older man—questions through the phone.

"Yes, this is he. Now what the fuck do you want?" I reply in an aggravated tone. I don't have time for this shit.

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