Chapter Four - Water

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Recap: Luca tried to clean up after dinner

Luca POV

I left the dining room after that, hearing the boys' soft voices discussing what just happened behind me. I headed up the stairs, my ribs throbbing, and made it to my room before collapsing (albeit gently) onto my bed. It was so soft, and it would be so nice to sleep, but I had to clean my hands and take more painkillers before my meeting with Massimo.

I lifted myself off the bed, groaning quietly as the blood rushed back into my head and it began pounding again. I dug my bottle of painkillers out of the bottom of my back and shook them. Shoot. These weren't going to last much longer. And I couldn't ask my brothers, then they'd see how weak I am.

I decided to just do the best that I could and so I headed into the bathroom and took two, before rinsing the bits of dried blood off of my hands and carefully drying them.

Just as I was headed back out into my room, someone knocked on the door. "Fagiolo? (bean) Mass is ready to see you." My heart jumped a bit at the thought of talking to Massimo, but I knew it couldn't wait so I left the room after promptly checking myself for any leftover blood.

Gio and I walked down the hall in silence, his shoes clacking down the hall and my socked feet just padding softly. We ended up standing in front of a large oak door, and when Gio knocked, it was a loud, ominous sound, followed by an even more daunting, "Come in" from Massimo.

Gio opened the door for me and I entered, immediately feeling inferior to Massimo, who sat in a chair behind a large oak desk. Bookshelves surrounded him, and he seemed to be trying to read my mind as I walked slowly into the room.

"Have a seat, Luca." I chose a seat in front of him, fidgeting with my hands again.

"Firstly, I would again like to offer my, condolences, say, for what happened to your stepfather. Although I am happy you are here with us, I understand this might be a big change. To make this change easier on the both of us, I've put in some rules. These rules may not be modified unless you have an extremely good reason.

Don't swear

Be respectful to others and myself and your brothers

I always need an indication that you have heard and understand me (a nod will do just fine)

No cheating or skipping class

Try your best at school

Pick up after yourself

Talk to us if something is wrong

I nodded after each one, but paused after the last one for a split second. Unfortunately, Massimo noticed and raised a single eyebrow questioningly: "Is everything okay?"

I panicked. I couldn't tell him. He would think I'm weak. He can't know. He can't. I shook my head rapidly, and he narrowed his eyes. "If you say so. You may go." I nodded again and stood up to leave, but as soon as I got to the door, Massimo spoke again. "However, if there is anything you ever need to tell us Luca, we will be here. I know you may not have had the warmest welcome from some of us, but if you ever need anything, you can talk to us. Goodnight, Luca."

I waved shyly and exited his office, wandering back down the quiet hallways to my bedroom, trying to figure out how I would continue to hide my secret from them—they were obviously onto me.

TW: Mentions of sexual abuse/rape!!!

Oh no. I had forgotten to make dinner. Oh dear. What was I going to do? Sir would be home soon. He wasn't going to be pleased.

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