Chapter II - Red Boxer Briefs

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Light smut warning :)


"Class is dismissed!" Coach Bayleigh yells. Most boys get their backpacks from the locker room and immediately exit the gym, eager to get home. I always change out of my gym clothes before leaving because I don't feel comfortable in them. I slowly walk to the locker room since I have no desire to see most of the guys in my class.

The room is mostly empty when I get to my locker. I see a few people leaving, and I can see a pair of shoes under a stall. As I pull my clothes out of my backpack, I notice that Gabe's locker is still open, and his bag is still inside. Then, I recognize the shoes in the stall as Gabe's red and white Nikes. He must be changing out of his clothes too. I watch his sneakers as his shorts and red boxers fall to his ankles. He leaves them on the floor before pulling up another pair of underwear. The stall door opens, and I immediately turn away and resume getting changed.

"Oh, hey," he greets me.


"Would've changed out here if I knew it was just you." I let out a half-hearted laugh in response. I'm trying not to glance at his bulge because he's only wearing black boxer briefs. I feel a pang of regret that Gabe didn't change out here, even if he was just joking.

I sit on the floor by my locker to put my dirty clothes in my bag. As I pull my fresh shirt over my head, Gabe shoves his gym clothes into his locker. He's so close to me that I can smell his strong, sweaty musk. I feel my dick getting hard. I stay on the floor as I put on my pants so Gabe doesn't notice my boner.

I hear Gabe zip up his backpack. I look up, and he's already changed. "See you around!" He says, smiling at me, before turning around to leave.

"See you!" I say a little too enthusiastically. I close my backpack and take one last whiff of the thick, sweaty locker room air before leaving.


I get home and take a 2-hour nap before deciding to do my homework. I dump out my backpack to take out my laptop, but then I notice a bright red fabric in the heap of my dirty gym clothes that does not match anything I wore. I pull it out and immediately recognize it: Gabe's boxer briefs. How the hell did his underwear get into my bag?

I hold up the boxers and notice the sweat marks on the crotch and bottom of them. I get aroused thinking about how these briefs rubbed against Gabe's crotch and ass. I hold them to my nose and inhale the musky scent trapped in the fabric. My cock immediately gets hard. I keep smelling the underwear as I stroke my dick, savoring Gabe's sweet odor. I think about his ass and bulge and his face - god, his face - and I come hard.

I lay on the floor, still clutching Gabe's boxers. I eventually gather the energy to get up and sit on my bed with my laptop. I feel gross for what I just did, but I don't regret it. I mean, it's not a big deal, right? No one is hurt by me jerking it to Gabe's scent. I'll return them to him tomorrow or maybe just put them back in his backpack. No harm, no foul.

I read about the Protestant Reformation in my history ebook and conclude that it is a boring historical event and that I'd rather do anything else than learn about it. I open Instagram to check if ryanlovesfrogs has accepted my follow request. Still left on requested. I go to Gabe's profile and follow him and then look at his tagged pictures again. He's so attractive - I just can't get over it. It's probably unhealthy to obsess over some random guy, but I don't care that much.

I go back to Marcus's post that I found Ryan in. I swipe through the pictures until one catches my eye - a photo of Gabe and Ryan sitting together on a countertop - and Gabe's hand rests on the other boy's inner thigh. It's not implausible that they could've hooked up, maybe even more than once. They're both gorgeous, charismatic, and, from the looks of it, a bit touchy.

I close Instagram. I need to stop obsessing over Gabe. Even if he is bi, why would he like me? I'm not built and tanned and perfect like he is. And from the looks of it, his type is other pretty boys. Ryan has curly chestnut brown hair and a strong, angular jaw. He's beautiful; there's no denying it. I toss my phone on the floor and try to forget about Gabe.

I go back to my history ebook for the third time now and try to buckle down and focus, but I only make it five minutes before my phone buzzes. I read the notification:

"gabriel.west.2005 has requested to follow you."

Don't think about it, I tell myself. Don't think about it. It's nothing. It's common courtesy to follow someone back after they follow you. Ignore it. I turn on the "do not disturb" mode on my phone and go back to reading, but I just can't stop thinking about him.


I purposely take the longest route possible to the gym to hopefully see Gabe alone and give him his boxers. I know part of me just wants to see him, but I convince myself I'm just going so I can return his underwear. I am walking down the science hallway when someone suddenly pokes my neck. I expect to turn around and see one of my friends, but I see Gabe instead.

"Taking the long way?" He questions. He's wearing a t-shirt with a band logo that looks a size too small, which I assume is on purpose because it makes his arms look amazing.

"Yeah," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady. "Not in a rush. Why are you walking this way?"

"Following you," he chuckles. "Just kidding. My marine bio test went a little long."

"You take marine bio?" I inquire. Talking to the boy I spent so long thinking about feels weird.

"I do," he smiles at me, and I feel myself smile back. "It's my favorite class. I love the ocean, I think that's why. I loved the beach and aquarium as a kid, and marine bio is just getting to learn about my favorite things." I love hearing him talk about himself. He looks ecstatic just talking about the class.

We turn the corner of the science hallway and walk the short hallway to the gym. Most guys are already leaving it by the time we get to the locker room. I bend down to open my locker. 10... 21... Gabe takes off his shirt, but I stay focused... 5. I jam my backpack into my locker. The remaining boys in the room leave, and Gabe is already stripped down to his underwear. I pull my clothes out of my bag, and the red boxer briefs fall out with them. Gabe looks at me.

"Did you take those?" He asks.


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