Chapter VI - I Want You

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Light smut warning :)

"I'm so sorry. I can explain." Gabe looks genuinely upset, but I don't let him fool me.

"Explain being a total dick to me? Less than twenty-fucking-four hours after you kissed me?" I clench my fists, and my nails dig into my palms. I don't know the last time I felt so angry at someone.

"I really like you, Jake. I hope this doesn't hurt, you know, us." How dare he talk about us after acting like he didn't know who I was.

"Well, I hoped you weren't a shallow douchebag, but look where we are!" Gabe looks heartbroken like I just told him his puppy died or something. I doubt he feels as bad as I do. He ignored me, he laughed at me. What reason does he have to be upset?

"I swear that's not what I was doing. I'm not like that." He presses his lips together, and a pained expression spreads across his face. "I've been friends with Marcus for a long time, like a really long time. I've known him since we were literal babies. Our families are friends and, uh, neither of them, like people like us, you know?"

"So... you were a total jackass to me because your friend is homophobic?"

"It's not like that. And I'm really sorry." Gabe looks down at the floor. I don't think I've ever seen him without his head held high. "I don't know what would happen if my parents found out." His voice breaks. "I know I didn't handle it the right way. I was just so scared. If Marcus found out, he'd tell his parents, and they'd tell mine... and I can't have that happen." He looks up at me. His eyes are red, and a tear falls down his face.

Guilt hits me like a truck. I unclench my fists and walk over to Gabe. I wrap my arms around him, and he buries his face into my shoulder. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "I should have talked to you instead of being so accusatory."

"Don't be sorry. I was awful to you." He squeezes me, sharing his warmth and musk. "I really like you, Jake."

"I really like you too, Gabe."

A screeching voice interrupts our moment. "School is over, boys! Out of the locker room, or you're getting detention."

"Fucking Coach Bayleigh," Gabe mutters. He gives me a light kiss on the cheek. My pent-up tension leaves my body to make room for the warmth that floods my veins. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I reply. I follow him until we have to part ways in the parking lot.

"Call me tonight?" He asks.

"I'll think about it..." Gabe frowns. "Kidding. I'll call you." He smiles, all teeth, and walks off to his car.


Buzz. Buzz. I pick up my phone and see that Gabe is FaceTiming me. My face on the call preview makes me suddenly aware of how awful I look. I let my phone keep buzzing as I brush my hair and pick at my skin like that will help anything. Finally, just before the call disappears, I answer it.

"Jake! Professor Alpaugh put the test grades in!"

"Oh, shit. I'm scared. Tell me what you got first." Gabe gives me a broad smile, so I already know he did well.

"I got a 95! I'm really surprised because that test was hard. What did you get?"

I cautiously open my email. A message titled New Grade - World History Honors sits at the top. "No fucking way."

"Is it bad?"

"I got a 96! Professor Alpaugh gave me a few extra credit points for having a 'well-developed and thoughtful' answer." I'm so relieved that I got an A. Now my mom can't nag me about it!

"Damn, Jake! Good job. You know, we should celebrate."

"Celebrate?" I inquire.

"Yeah. You busy tonight?"

My heart starts pumping extra fast like it's telling me I need to see Gabe. "No, I'm not!"

"Cool! Want to come to my house, like now-ish?"


"Awesome. See you soon!" He smiles and hangs up the call. I hop up from my bed and look at myself in the mirror. I sigh, noticing how bad my acne looks. I tousle my hair and attempt to cover the worst of my breakout with my bangs. I put on some jeans and pull a red flannel over my plain black t-shirt.

I tiptoe out of my room, hoping to avoid my mom. Right on cue, she steps out of her bedroom. "What are you doing?" She looks at me like she caught me with weed or something.

"I was planning on going to my friend's house. Is that okay?" She looks up to the ceiling as if she is awaiting an answer from God.

"Who is this friend?"

"His name is Gabe. We have a few classes together. We were planning on doing our Prob & Stats homework together." I doubt Gabe takes Prob & Stats, but my mom wouldn't know that.

She sighs dramatically, like I just put a massive burden on her. "I guess that's fine. But if any of your grades slip, there will be no more hanging out with this 'Gabe.' And be home by eight."

"Okay." I say, eager to get away from my mom and see Gabe.


"Hey, dude!" Gabe motions for me to come inside. Just as I step over the threshold, he gently kisses my lips. "Video doorbell," he explains. "Had to wait for a second." I follow Gabe to his bedroom. At first, I avoid staring at his ass as it bounces with each step he takes, but then I remember that I made out with this boy, so I think it's probably okay.

Gabe lays down on his bed and pats the area next to him. I close the door and lie down next to him. We turn to look at each other. "How are you?" He asks me.

"Now that I'm with you? Amazing." He smiles at me.

"You're so pretty," Gabe tells me. I answer with a wide, childish grin. I look up and down his body, just taking him in. His black, wavy hair. His amber eyes. His big, soft lips. His sculpted face. His pecs show through his t-shirt. The outline of his cock through his tight shorts. He's hard.

"You're so hot." He's so much more than hot, but I can't think of the right word. Gabe puts an arm around me and leans in to kiss me. A wave of elation and anticipation spread through my body. I press my lips against Gabe's and run my hand down his back, stopping when I feel the waistband of his shorts. Can't go too fast, right?

We make out, taking turns sucking on each other's top lips. Gabe moves his mouth down to my neck, kissing me hard. He whispers, "I want you," and I feel myself get hard. Desire and pure ecstasy mix in my core. I feel dizzy and light as a feather but simultaneously grounded as a rock. I love it.

Gabe rolls over so that he lays on top of me. Our hard dicks rub against each other as we make out. Gabe removes his shirt, and all I can do is stare at his alluring body. "Can I take off your shirt?" He asks me. I nod and shrug off my flannel. I feel his strong hands touch my hips and lift my t-shirt off. "Fuck," he remarks, a wide smile on his face. He gets on his knees, positioning his legs so he towers over me while our packages keep in contact.

Gabe bends down and kisses my chest, then moves up to my neck and finally back to my lips. We make out until we're both sweaty and out of breath. I toss my phone on the floor and cuddle with Gabe, resting my head on his muscular torso. He whispers sweet nothings to me. I forget all the stressful things in my life: grades, homework, my mom, and I drift off to sleep.

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