Chapter 16

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Drews POV:

Friday night, after I left her in her dressing room, Olivia changed into some grey sweatpants and a black hoodie then came out of her room with a 'don't fuck with me' look.

She was really mad that I didn't let her touch me.

I was standing backstage, leaning on the wall in a secluded area scrolling through Twitter. Olivia came marching up to me and yanked the phone out of my hands.

Before I could protest, she leaned her now covered body into mine and kissed my lips aggressively. Her hands wrapped themselves in my hair and she pulled a little, making my head go backwards so she had access to my neck. I moaned as her lips connected with my collar bone.

Then, as soon as it started, it stopped.

She let go of my hair and leaned backwards with her hands still on my hips, glaring at me.

"Don't deny me the privilege of touching you." She spoke softly, with a pout on her face. She brushed some hair behind my ear and I watched her eyes follow her fingers.

"You are mine, Miss Line." She said, reconnecting our lips.

Butterflies erupted in my body and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips into hers.

After that, she told me we would finish this later at her apartmen. We left the secluded area separately.

I let Olivia get a 10 minute head start, then left the club.

We spent the next 2 hours taking turns pleasuring each other. I literally want to do nothing else for the rest of my life.

The next morning Olivia went to her parents' house to pick up Rory. We had decided that we wouldn't tell her about Olivia and I until after the PR relationship ends. We don't want to confuse her in case she sees a picture of Jenna and I.

So, for now I'm just 'having a sleep over'.

Rory, Olivia and I hung out all day Saturday. I volunteered to hang out with Rory when Olivia went to work that night.  She insisted that I had a sleep over in her room and I ended up falling asleep in the rocking chair with her in my arms. It was uncomfortable, but I didn't dare move and give up that moment.

I woke up the next morning to Rory wiggling out of my arms. That dull ache was in the back of my head again. I need to catch up on some sleep.

"Good morning Dwew." Rory said happily.

"Morning Ro." I said, standing up and stretching.

"We go find mama." She said hopping around excitedly.

I looked at the time on my phone seeing it was only 7 AM. I also saw a text message from Olivia. It was a picture of me holding Rory in the chair while we slept last night. It was accompanied by text that read;

~I love you.~

I smiled to myself and looked down at Rory.

"Why don't we let your mama sleep? We can go get some donuts!" I asked, taking a knee in front of her.

"I wuv donuts." She grinned nodding her head.

I laughed and scooped her into my arms, taking her out to the kitchen. I snagged Olivia's keys off the counter and put Rory's jacket on her.

We went to a drive through donut shop and I ordered a bunch of random stuff in hopes that Olivia would like at least one of them.

When we got back into the apartment Olivia was still asleep. I sat Rory at the table and let her pick out a donut. She chose the one with pink glaze and sprinkles.

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