Chapter 22

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Drews POV:

I spent the next two days in what felt like Heaven with Rory and Olivia. I always enjoy having them here with me. So do Dani and Julie and I know Carli secretly does, but she won't admit it.

It's Sunday morning and I'm completely recovered from the seizure that happened on Wednesday.

It's still early enough for the sun to not be out yet. I can hear Olivia breathing peacefully next to me with her back to me in the quiet, dark room. I leaned over and kissed her shoulder softly before climbing out of bed.

I haven't been on a run in over a week, so I changed into a pair of black leggings, a blue sweatshirt and a black beanie. I left the room without waking Olivia.

I left the house and ran out of a side gate to get off of my property. Carli told me that paparazzi has been parked out front since Thursday afternoon.

I started running my usual route, feeling the runners high take over my body. With everything that's happened this week, I have barely had any time to myself. Not that I'm complaining. I absolutely adore having my house filled with laughter. It's just a big change from me being left alone all the time to this.

It's nice to take a little break. This way I can give Olivia and Rory my undivided attention on their last day here with me.

My heart twinged at the thought. My girls were flying home today. I'd go with them if it weren't for the fact that I have to help Carli with my very public breakup scheduled for tomorrow. No one has decided how it's going to happen, but I'm sure I'll be making appearances all week.

I ran for another 20 minutes before turning back towards the house. The sun was starting to peak up over the mountains to the east. I ran back through the side gate and up my property to the house.

When I walked in the kitchen for some water Olivia was already standing at the stove making pancakes, wearing my baggy clothes.

I smiled at the sight and walked over to her, placing a kiss on her neck.

She turned around to face me and wrapped her arms around my neck with a frown.

"Next time wake me and tell me you're leaving. I was worried about you." She said, pecking my lips with hers.

"I'm sorry babe. I just needed to run." I smiled reassuringly.

"Go shower and I'll make you a pancake." She said, releasing my neck and turning back to the stove. I pressed myself against her back and kissed her neck again while wrapping my arms around her torso.

"Come shower with me." I whispered into her ear.

I already knew she was going to say no but it was worth a shot.

"Okay." She said and turned off the stove. She walked out of my arms towards my bedroom. I stood there in the kitchen for a moment, stunned by her answer. As soon as I processed it and realized where she was headed, I took off running after her.

She laughed at me as I barreled into the room after her. I grinned and walked over to her, gripping her hips and staring into her eyes. She wrapped her hands around my neck with a smile and connected our lips together. I walked her backwards into the bathroom, never disconnecting our lips. I closed the door after we walked in and she bit my lip, making me moan.

I moved my hands to the back of her thighs and picked her up, placing her on the countertop. Our lips continued to move against each other in sync.

As if my brain suddenly caught up to reality I leaned back, breaking the kiss with a confused expression.

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