❀ chapter twenty-seven | crashing into earth ❀

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I felt Danielle's shock from across the room. Frozen in the doorway, she could only say one word as she found her son and his ex-coworker in the most compromising position imaginable: "Oh."

Meanwhile, I dwelled in the sweet feeling of oxygen in my lungs. Inhale. Exhale.

"Romy, is that you?" she asked slowly.

Out of all the bizarre things that had happened since I got to know Jack, this had to make the top of the list. Even if it was only because of the hilarious expression on Danielle's face. An expression I couldn't help but laugh at, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'll... give you two your privacy," she said, and then promptly left the room.

I covered my mouth with my hand, still laughing. Jack, surrounded by his rumpled sheets, sat absolutely motionless. Silent. If he didn't regret inviting me over before, he sure did now.

"Don't tell me you're mute again," I said.

He turned to give me one of his signature bratty glares, reminding me so much of our flower shop days I almost missed it.

I put up my arms in defense. "Hey, you're the one who told me to get in your bed. Not under it. Plus, didn't you say you've dated people before? I'm sure it's not the first time mommy's found you with someone in your bed."

He shook his head. "I take back what I said about you being considerate."

"Come on, that was hilarious. The look on her face! Are you going to get in trouble?"

He shook his head.

Huh. Maybe this was an over-lenient white parent thing. Or maybe just a guy thing. If I got caught with someone in my bed, I'm sure I'd have to face a lot worse than juvie.

He rose and started, oddly enough, cleaning his room. He picked up a pile of dirty clothes on the ground. Ran his finger along a shelf to check for dust. Without acknowledging that I was still in his bed. Without saying another word.

"Did that rock you gave me mean nothing?" I asked, then almost wished to take it back. I'd meant it as a joke, but it came off like I was... almost offended.

"It's too late for this," Jack mumbled under his breath.

"Do you want to know what I think?" I said before the rational part of me could stop it. "I think that you like me."

He returned one of his books to his shelf. "I do not like you."

"Why did you give me the rock, then?"

"I was feeling... particularly sentimental that day."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I was feeling particularly sentimental that day."

I gave him a look. He gave me a look.

"Okay," I said. "What about the text? The but i like you so much."

"You need to leave," he said.

"Excuse me?"

"You embarrassed me on purpose."

"I couldn't breathe! I had no choice but push you off."

"You need to leave."

"Fine." I threw his covers off me and got up. "I'll go tell your mommy hi while I'm at it. And then go take the bus by myself."

He turned his back on me as I grabbed my things and left the room.

Was I being dramatic? Was he being dramatic? Why did we always find something to argue about?

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