❀ chapter forty-two | family soap opera special ❀

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A/N: Picture above is of Waikiki (again) (taken by my sister @prestesfilm on IG) except from the top of Diamond Head, which is where our characters are heading next :P 

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The next morning, I convinced Talia and Anika to take a bus with me to Diamond Head, where we hiked up the crater along with a crowd of morning tourists. At the top, Talia took pictures of the ocean views that would never get old. From here, the whole island looked like it could fit in my hand. Clouds shrouded the mountains toward the center. Anika watched, calm as ever while I doubled over in exhaustion, panting—definitely a reminder that I needed to get more active.

On the way down, my phone buzzed.

From Seth:


Seth had added me to a group chat along with Eli and Jack.

From Eli:

Good morning to you too, Seth.

And even Jack chimed in by sending a picture of a Christmas card. It had the words Season's Greetings... right next to a cartoon of Santa Claus flashing his ass.

I laughed so hard I almost went rolling down the trail. It was an obvious reference to the time Jack and I witnessed Seth pressing his ass against a bus window and flashing his frat boy friends on the street. Jack truly must've been scarred by the memory.

From Seth:

oh duck u i kno exactly wut that's supposed 2 mean

From Eli:

What did I miss here? 😂

From Jackass:

you really don't want to know.

I sent a text into the chat: So, Jack, how do you feel about coming to Hawai'i with these two for company?

From Jackass:

terrified. but you showed me that chaos is what i need sometimes.

From Seth:

yuhhh nothing 2 b worried about bro

From Eli:

Let's hope so.

If it weren't for the texts, I would've completely forgotten about Christmas Eve. Yesterday Grace mentioned that there'd be a banquet at the resort, but all I pictured were the screaming children again—no thanks.

Talia and I decided to scour Waikiki for presents. I got Anika an amethyst bead bracelet, figuring she might like its supposed spiritual benefits. For Talia, I got a new disposable film camera. And Grace, well... I was already gracing her with my presence here.

"What are you getting for Jack?" Talia asked me as we went down the sunny sidewalk.

"I don't know," I admitted. "It would be cool to give him some lava rocks or something. Not sure I'll find that here on O'ahu, though. And I heard that Madame Pele curses anyone who takes rocks or sand from the islands. But maybe that was just a myth invented so tourists wouldn't take shit from natural parks."

"I'll challenge her wrath," Anika joked.

Talia laughed. "I wouldn't! That's so scary. I have too much bad luck as it is."

"Are you just saying that because your car broke down last week?" I asked. "Come on, that wasn't bad luck—it was about time."

"My luck would change if you bought me a new one. You owe me, remember?

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