Chapter 2 (Rewrite)

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The world had frozen in time, before I could react I heard someone said "Oh man, this isn't good", in worried tone. I turn my head over to where I heard the voice which happened to be where the long haired blonde stood with the old man. I was confused to see that the man was gone, and it looks like the old man running the shop had the same confusion . I walked over to where the man stood and looked over the edge hopefully looking for something resembling a man, but I found nothing.

'Could that man be an illusion'

'No he can't be, because the old man he was talking had a confused expression too'

I looked around at the sight "Such a beautiful view", I said aloud. I shifted my attention towards a tall building, and that's when I had a feeling that needed to go over there, like something bad was going to happen. And I know I say that a lot but this time it feels different, like there is a menacing force in that direction.

I walked away from the sight, and called a taxi to take me over the tall building. 

"Always going places eh", the Taxi Driver teased. "Yeah, yeah, make fun of me all you want", You said impatiently.

(Time-skip brought to you by 1000-7)

Exiting out the taxi and waving my driver off, I finally made to the tall ass tower. The tower looked nice and fancy like a place where rich people work, me on the other hand look like a sleep deprived and anxiety filled weirdo. With my danger sense going off like crazy lately I wasn't able to take my daily nap, without my nap the world is doomed.

After, I was looking at the tower admiring its beauty and explaining why look a mess, someone bumped into me from behind.

"Oof! Hey!", someone said from behind me. "Gah-". I had almost lost my balance for a bit but I managed to stabilized myself. I turned around to see who had bumped into me, but what saw 

Wasn't human.

The man who I saw and claimed to be not human had dark teal skin and short white platinum hair and had strange heart tattoo on his chest. And to add on to the weirdness he had horns and a black halo on top his head.

(Tehehe~ You could say the halo and horns really topped off the look. 😀 Get it? Top of the head and the halo and horns were on top his head. I know I'm so funny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

I looked up at his eyes in immediate fear, all I saw was cold dark pupils looking back at me covered by peach colored X shaped glasses.

Next to him stood a woman who was less frighting then the blue man, but she was still scary. Her outfit looked better than the blue skinned man, which only consisted of  brown ragged pants. She wore clothing that looked like a witch attire but red. And she wore a red witch's hat that looks like it could eat you, and she also wore a teal guitar which was strapped onto her and teal shades which hid her menacing glare.

(Now introducing......... drum roll please..........)

(HAPPY CHAOS! Everyone's favorite blue boi!)

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(HAPPY CHAOS! Everyone's favorite blue boi!)

Whoo yay!

(Now give him a round of applause 👏)

(Now Give it up for........)

(I-NO! Our little witch in disguise)

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(I-NO! Our little witch in disguise)

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