Chapter Nine

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 Anya was bedridden for a week.

She had hoped to never feel it again.

The excruciating pain wracking her body for days, the next few leaving her muscles and head sore, her bones somehow aching.

For a week, unable to move without something spasming, rebelling, as it absorbed and adjusted to the harsh chemicals that the doctor claimed to preserve her.

They said it was so her brain literally wouldn't work itself to death resulting from the telepathy they gave her.

Anya wondered how much they lied to her.

She was unsteady and wobbly when she could finally get up.

The doctors used IV's to feed and keep her hydrated, the action of eating and swallowing too difficult, never mind walking.

She had pain meds, but they only did so much.

Another week later and she was feeling much better, able to join the children in the cafeteria.

And ready for work.

The director, Kai, wasted no time.

So she stood in a bathroom. A lady wearing gloved hands, spreading a dark substance over her hair.

It was too pink. Too noticeable. To easy to find when police were looking for her.

Kai wasn't going to risk one of his greatest assets like that.

He stood in the doorway watching. Talking. A brief on the job she was about to go on.

It made her laugh at all the times he had told her this was for world peace.

He didn't care. It was purely selfish.

He used them for his own gain. Keeping them locked away where no one would find them, until he needed them.

Very few people knew of their existence. Kai was extremely selective who he made his organization known to.

Some high-ranking politicians.

Underworld leaders with money.

It was expensive to hire an esper, there was no point if they didn't have money.

He worked his way through the most wealthy, the malleable, the depraved and unethical.

Only the corrupt could know if he was to go unnoticed. To Keep working in the shadows.

Corrupt like him.

He ran the most disturbing, awful, decidedly evil business Anya had ever seen.

And it worked.

Anya nodded when Kai asked if she understood what do as she watched her locks turn from pink to dark brown in the mirror. The lady's hands working quickly, unaware of Anya's shaky hands or her jitters.

It was another hour before her hair was dried and combed, ready for the excursion.

In her room, she changed into a black simple dress they provided. Reminding her of her t-shirt she always wore.

She sat on her bed waiting for Fisher.

There was no way she would be going without the agent. She was as much a part of this as Anya. The job a ridiculous notion without her.

With a loud clank, the bar was lifted on the other side.

A lady Anya didn't recognize opened the door.

Her face was the same. Her hair was the same.

Her clothes were not.

Agent Fisher wore a silky, deep green dress that hung flatteringly over her figure. It was supported by thin straps, showing off a shoulder. A length of white fur, tinted light brown at

the tips, hanging over the other, nearly obscuring the skin from view.

Her eyes were lined with mascara, making her eyes pop, the only make-up Anya could see.

"Let's go." She said brusquely.

In the end she was still the same person. Anya wouldn't be surprised if she was wearing her black cargo pants underneath, except that the dress laid too smoothly on her waist.

Anya followed her out of the room, down hallways, around corners when they reached a heavy door.

The agent fished out a ring of keys from her shoulder bag. Undid the the three locks. Prepared to open when a voice rang out.

"Anya." Kai called from down the hall, his steps quick and thudding, apparently deciding he hadn't given enough instruction.

It was worse that he was farther away. Each stride announcing his incoming presence. Every footfall building Anya's dread.

It never mattered his intentions. Each time he appeared, anxiety, fear, and apprehension flooded her. The urge to flee was always her first thought, but her good sense rooted her to the floor.

He eyed her as he approached making Anya's toes curl. He came to stand before her and in a motion seldom seen from Kai, crouched down in front of her.

He liked to tower. Knowing it made the child feel small and powerless. Easier to control.

But he looked Anya in the eye, as intimidating as ever as he spoke.

"You're going to do a good job." He stated, not a question.

A nod from Anya

"I would expect nothing less. You wouldn't want to disappoint me." He added.

A shake of her head.

He gestured to her forearm with a nod of his head.

"Do you know what's in your arm?" He referred to the bandage she'd had, when she first woke up here.

Anya had looked a while ago. A small incision sewn up again. But she didn't know what they did to it. She shook her head again.

"There's a location device. If you try to run, or get lost, it doesn't matter. Regardless of where you go, who you find, or what you do, we'll track you down. It would be easy." Kai said, like this was the most comforting thing for a child to know. He quickly turned to a tone, low and soft, he liked to use when he was being serious: "But you wouldn't try to run again would you?"

This was not good news for Anya but she shook her head.

"That's good. Because If you did anything to jeopardize the job or organization, we'd have to take extreme measures. For instance, that boy. Subject 025. We may need to retrieve some. . .assets he's been holding for us. You never know."

Anya paled as he stood. She had hoped to run. Or at least alert someone about the organization.

"Do a good a job. And everything will be fine." He stated. And just like that, left his daughter stricken behind him.

Agent Fisher opened the door as if to mark his departure and held it open for Anya.

In a daze, she stepped into a small hanger she had never been before, holding a couple cars and a suspicious looking van.

Fisher led the way to a black car near the end and unlocked it. She buckled Anya tightly in the back seat before taking the wheel.

Somewhere, someone did something, as the hangar's massive door opened, and Fisher drove the vehicle out of the lab.

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