Ch. 18: Part Two

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          To say Yor was proficient with weapons was an understatement. Her young life, spent learning how to use them. A mastery of almost anything she got her hands on. An everyday object, used to it's most deadly potential in her possession. She knew how they worked. The amount of force to use for each one. The damage they could do. The type of damage they could do. The wounds they inflicted. How badly.

She knew more on the subject she could ever use. Knew how to hold them. Knew how to throw them. Knew how to cut, fire, slash, strangle, bludgeon and kill with them.

Yor Forger didn't just know weapons, she knew everything about weapons. And she knew she had never had better use for this knowledge than right now, un-bandaging Anya's arm.

And she knew someone was gonna freakin' die.

She would have asked Anya who did it, but she wouldn't answer. She'd been asked before at the hospital with no reply.

That was fine. She'd still find them and pay them back ten-fold. Until every ounce of blood drained from their body. Soaked from the lashes that would tear their skin apart. She saw the image of what she'd to do them. How she'd do it. The time she'd take. The pain she'd give.

Yor silently raged as she bandaged Anya's right arm back up, before moving on to the left. The wounds, normally tended to by Loid who asked Yor to fix her up while he was on a mission. She took care of her legs before Anya hopped off the kitchen stool.

"Anya." Yor began as she put the hydrogen peroxide away. The want to ask if she was okay, instinctive. How she was doing 'Of course she's not okay. It would be a miracle if she was okay.' The thought overrode the impulse. But Yor wanted to say something. She felt she should be able to talk to her about this. Help her through it, but didn't know where to start. The sensitive topic was hard to broach, not knowing if it would set Anya off again 'Maybe it would be better to give it time first.' She thought.

Anya had been pretty tight-lipped about the whole thing, maybe she'd want to talk after she felt comfortable again "Never-mind." Yor smiled at Anya who'd stopped to look at her.

'Mama is acting weird.' She thought, watching her tidy up the kitchen and putting supplies away with the unused bandages.

Not caring to dive into her mind at the moment, having her own things to consider, the sheets of colourful paper spread over the coffee table were more important and she went and sat down.

Some of the crayons rolled off the edge as she dug out the papers they buried, the plots drawn out for plan B. The carefully curated ideas that were guaranteed to work.

. . . She hoped . . .

She hadn't had a lot of luck so far, but felt confident in her new schemes. She couldn't give up just because Damian was being difficult. Her Papa had dealt with much scarier scenarios. If he could fight bad guys every day(it wasn't every day), she could try as many times as it took to befriend Desmond.

Anya picked up the first page she had done this morning. A picture of Loid in the car at school and Bond in the passenger seat beside him.

This one would definitely work, she thought.

If Damian wouldn't let her bring Bond to his house, she'd bring Bond to the school. She'd have Papa come pick her up one day and bring him there. They'd walk up to the school entrance where she'd be waiting for him. Bond of course, would want to see Becky before Anya went home and they would pet and play with him, generally having a marvellous time when: Oh? What's that? Damian was passing by? What a coincidence. How entirely unplanned and completely accidental. Anya would beckon him over to see her beautiful dog and he'd love him right away. He was too irresistible not to. The plan was foolproof.

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