Chapter 31

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I heard shots fired over the phone and felt my heart sink. "Dario!" I prepared for the worse once I heard Mattia's voice. "I have them! Go and get Jolene. Enola and Andrea are safe. Go, now! We shot those bastards when Enola and my baby were by my side. Go." I did not waste another second and headed out the door. My men followed me with their guns in their hands, ready to engage with any threat.

My guest is their guest, and our guests are sacred.

"Giovanni, Nonno, get in my car. I will drive. You show me the way. Everyone else, follow my car."

"Yes, Don."

Grandpa placed his hand on my shoulder after I started driving like crazy. "Dario, if they are heading to the airport, I am sure Atlas would like to avoid any possible traffic by taking shortcuts. Not many know about it, but he will take the bridge road. Giovanni, can you confirm?" Grandpa looked back at him, and Giovanni typed like a maniac on the laptop.

Not a second later, he told me to turn left. The shift was rigid, as it was at last minute, but I did not care. "Yes, based on his route, he will take the bridge. Turn right now."

I broke every speed limit for ten minutes straight until we finally saw a black car driving in the middle of the road with two following it. Luckily it was past midnight, and no civilians were around. Grandpa and I got our heads out of the windows and shot the two cars' tires. They fell behind, and I let my men deal with them.

My main target was right in front of me. 

"His driving is abnormal; he's swaying right and left." Grandpa's comment made me focus on the inside of the car. The light near the rearview mirror was turned on, probably by mistake.

I saw my Bambi fighting him off, and the adrenaline rush took over my body. I pressed on the gas peddle and cut right in front of them, taking him by surprise. Atlas pushed the brakes very harshly, and the car stopped just inches before it hit my car. 

I winced when Jolene's head bumped into the headboard but sighed in relief when she opened the door, looking alive. Atlas was still disoriented to notice what was happening, so I ran to her side and held her close. "Are you okay?" I asked while checking her body for injuries.

She spat the broken chip and nodded. "I know I am feeling better than him," she replied, and we all looked at Atlas. Lazlo, Fabio, and Orlando arrived at the scene right when Atlas stepped out of the car, and all smiled when they saw her safe and sound.

Atlas' blood oozed from his body, and a gun was in his hand. He was shaking due to the knife stuck in his left shoulder, and I knew it was not coincidental. My Bambi got her revenge on him, and I smirked in triumph. 

She could have killed him without extra effort as she was close to him in the car, but I knew she was too pure-hearted to take a life, even if it was as rotten as Atlas. I did not want her hands dirty, either, so I was satisfied.

I made Bambi step closer to me, pulled my gun, and pointed it at Atlas. "Any last words?" I asked, but I did not really want to hear what he had to say.

Atlas sneered at me. He stepped back, closer to the edge of the bridge, and without warning, he aimed his gun at Bambi and shot. I instantly covered her body with mine and felt a sharp sting on my back. 

Fucking shit. 

Holy crap, that hurts. 

Questo figlio di puttana!

After a moment of holding the pain in, I looked back at Atlas, and he was nowhere to be found. "Where is he?" I roared in agony. 

Why is it so hard to shoot him? 

Why did I think? 

What was there to consider?

"He jumped into the river. It's too dark to see if he is still alive or not," Lazlo responded and helped me stand up. I stumbled back down and felt Bambi's eyes on me. I looked at her and saw tears pouring down her face.

"It's all my fault! I am so sorry, Dario! I should have stabbed his heart when I had the chance. I am a coward! It's my fault!" she cried into my chest as Fabio and Grandpa checked my wound from behind. I knew it was not good, but I said nothing about it.

I shakingly cupped her face and placed my forehead on hers. "Shh, it's okay! I am okay. I am glad you didn't kill him. You are too innocent, and I would be grateful if you could stay that way. I am sure he escaped now since he is too intelligent to jump into the abyss without any plan. I will have my chance, and I will destroy him. Don't worry, Bambi! I am still alive." I tried to calm her down, but her weeping got louder. My men covered their ears, and I winced at how loud it was near my ears. 

Women can be pretty loud.

It was my first time seeing her in this state, and I did not know what to do. I wanted to carry her to the car and cuddle with her until she calmed down, but the bullet in my back did not allow it. I struggled to open my eyes as time passed but fought the urge to sleep. "Bambi, tell me something that will piss me off! I need to stay awake."

Lazlo and Abramo helped me up and slowly led me to the car. I needed a hospital, but I did not want to worry her. "What?" she asked as she wiped her tears away and followed us. She seemed calm enough to breathe naturally.

"Make me angry, per favore," I repeated, feeling weaker by the second.

"Um, you won't like that, but I guess it will do the trick..." she said quietly, and I nodded. "Atlas put his hand in my pants..."

"What?" My men yelled.

I was wide awake.



I know it's short, but this is what I can do for now. I have assignments and exams next week and a holiday. So the next update will be after 2.07.2023, I hope you understand. 

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