Chapter 46

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"How is she? Is she okay? How's the damage?" I asked all at once when we saw Dr. Snow in the hallway talking with Fabio, probably filling him in on Diana. I controlled every fiber in my body not to kill that fucker. He needed to suffer. 

Dr. Snow removed his reading glasses, tucked away his chart, and looked at me. "She is fine now. We did what we needed to do. She is sleeping now since she is exhausted. The other lady with the fiery personality is sitting beside her. However, I must say... that the attacker did not hold back. He did a lot of damage that needs fixing over a few sessions. Plus, she definitely needs therapy. She's in shock, and I would be concerned if she wasn't." Dr. Snow looked at Dario after explaining her situation, which made me furious. "Excuse my language, but he is a sick son of a bitch. I hope you took care of his arse, Don!"

"She did." Dario's answer made Dr. Snow look at me with surprise and pride. He patted my shoulder with a smile, and I actually felt good. I did what I had to do.

"Did you reach out to her family?"

"We learned that she lives with her grandparents here, and her parents are currently in New York. The grandparents will be here shortly, and her parents are already on a plane to Sicily."

"I will take care of the medical bill. But for now, can I enter?" I asked once Dario started talking with Fabio. The doctor nodded, and I opened the door slowly. "Phoebe," I called in a hushed voice, and she lifted her head from the table. Tears stained her blouse, and I immediately embraced her. She was the most affected, besides Diana.

"If I didn't stop to look at the sea and just walked faster, we could have stopped all this!" she cried on my shoulder, and I felt an ache in my heart.

"This is not on you. It is purely that bastard's fault. We didn't know. You didn't know!" She was blaming herself, and I would not let this happen.

"She's right." A faint voice stated, and we looked at Diana with relief. She looked pale, but there was a glint in her eyes that told me she was not a quitter. "It is not your fault, Phoebe. You helped enough, and I am forever grateful for it. Thank you."

There is a lot of evil in this world.

I finally let my tears down, defeated by the situation, and we hugged her gently. "This is my number. Call me if you ever need anything, okay? Your family will be here shortly, and we will leave then. If you want a shoulder to cry on or a buddy to laugh with, just reach out, dear. We will always be with you," I wrote my number on paper and handed it to her.

"And here is my number." Phoebe wrote hers and ran her hand through Diana's hair gently. "I was in your shoes exactly five years ago, and I know what it feels like. Call me, day or night. I don't care. Just call. Don't fight your battle alone. It cannot be done alone. I know." Phoebe looked at me with a sad smile and kissed my head. 

I wish I could prevent all of this.

Diana's eyes widened at what she had just heard, and tears cascaded down her face again. She was not alone. 


We sat with her, taking her mind off of things until her grandparents arrived. We left them for the time being. Fabio decided to stay to assure Diana that everything would be alright, and I saw sparks of a new relationship. 

I ship it.

Dario, Phoebe, and I went to Basilio's house, where he and Dario's friends were waiting for us for updates on the girl. "How is she?" Mattia asked once he opened the door and let us in.

"She is... well, alive. Yet I am unsure if she is truly fine," I replied as we entered the living room. Abramo made space for Phoebe to sit beside him, and Dario sat on the sole chair. I stood near Basilio, reflecting on what had happened. "Can I take a quick shower, Basilio? I feel sick with his blood on me." Phoebe glanced at me but did not ask questions.

"Of course, darling. Dario, show her the way and give her clothes from Enola's closet," Basilio instructed as he kept spare rooms for Enola and Dario in case they needed to sleep over.

Dario and I walked upstairs, but unexpectedly, I felt numb, losing feeling in my legs, and almost fell back. He quickly grabbed my waist and carried me to his room. His grip was safe and secure, and I wanted to sleep on his chest forever. "Are you okay, Bambi?" he asked softly, handing me a cup of water from the jar on the nightstand.

I drank a bit and shook my head. "I feel numb. I am too drained to take a shower on my own. Can you help?" He nodded, went to a different room, and returned a few minutes later with female clothes.

"Let's wash you up." 

I stopped before entering the bathroom. "No funny business, though."

"No funny business, I promise. I am not emotionless, Bambi. I know when it's time for fun and when it's not. Don't worry, love." I kept my underwear on as he cleaned my body. Scrubbing gently, and I cried. The floor was red from the blood, and my tears were hot. I was emotionally drained, yet I let myself have this moment. I needed it. He knew I needed it, so he did not comment on my state.

He just kissed my forehead and said, "I am proud of you, my Bambi."



 If you are dealing with any trauma, feel free to talk to me (or anyone you trust). Don't fight your battles on your own. 

I will try to finish this book before this year ends!

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