Chapter 1

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Obviously there will be spoilers for the events of Adventure Time. so you've been warned. (And things would probably be confusing if you didn't watch the show.)

This takes place in a scenario in which Fern actually succeeds at his attempt to imprison Finn and steal his identity.

I try my best to stick to the character's personalities the best I can to make my stories and stuff feel more immersive and stuff, but I'm bad at writing so I'm probably gonna end up messing stuff up. This is simply something relatively small that I wrote during my free time, so don't expect much from this.

This story takes place from the perspective of Fern.

This one night... This was the night where I just felt... Weird to say the least. It was Finn's seventeenth birthday, and the Candy Kingdom was holding a party for him in the castle, so naturally I went over to the party with Jake. But the thing is, I was Finn. Or at least I was simply pretending to be him as my grass body had shaped me to look like exactly him. I managed to lock him up in those ruins not too long ago in order to steal his identity. The very brief struggle that went on, those few SECONDS, will still stick in my grassy subconscious for as long as I'm alive. I nearly donked up big time on the whole thing, only managing to capture him for good once I somehow managed to smack him in his robotic arm, which ended up damaging it and pushed him back into the ground. Finn seemed hurt, both physically and emotionally as I sealed him away. I couldn't really blame him all that much. It'd be a lie for me to say that I didn't have at least SOME level of remorse. I just felt like I did what I had to do, even if I didn't REALLY have to. But anyways, it was now dark outside, and me and Jake were heading to Bubblegum's castle for the party. He seemed pretty excited about it and all, but as much as I wanted to feel that way too... I... Simply couldn't.

"Hey man, are you excited?" Jake asked me. He didn't know at all that I was actually Fern. I merely told everyone that I had ended up going missing during the last adventure we were on. I had to try to fake being traumatized and all to look convincing and uh... Yeah I don't feel like going too much deeper into that. I didn't know how to really respond to Jake. I wanted to say something simple like yeah or yes, but I wasn't able to get my voice to sound genuine, so I said pretty much nothing.

"Finn? Are you uh-" Jake said, starting to get a bit more worried.

I just cut him off, saying "Yeah I'm fine." I wanted to say something like maybe about some random small adventures I was sent to go on by Princess Bubblegum, only to flunk them all up. Or maybe about what I claimed happened to me to cover up what I did to the real Finn. But for a few seconds I was just stumbling on thoughts. Eventually I decided to just open my mouth and say "It's all just cuz of what happened to Fi-" I almost said Finn for a second, until I managed to stop myself in time. In my mind I think I almost panicked or something when I realized. "F-Fern.." I corrected my words.

Jake just put his hand on my shoulder and patted it. He tried to comfort me saying "Look bro, we're all sorry for what happened to him, and I'm here to be by your side when you need me." He stretched his arms to a much longer length and wrapped them all around my body, like he was hugging me. "Everyone's gonna be happy to see you dude. Don't look too gloomy."

"Th-Th-Thanks..." I said. I was super relieved when he didn't seem to notice how I almost said Finn instead of Fern. He took his arms off of me after that.

We reached the castle stairs and walked up them, without really talking to each other. I am just reflecting on my past memories. Or I guess it was Finn's memories since... I don't know man. I just reflected on them. Especially the memories of when he turned thirteen. It brought a weird feeling of nostalgia, which... in general makes me feel pretty sick because I don't know if these memories really are even mine since well... I'm not really Finn... At least not anymore... If I ever was. Yet I couldn't help myself from remembering back when he was like twelve or thirteen and times were a lot more simple. Him and Jake would just go on cool little adventures and stuff.

Once we got up the stairs, I saw the princess waiting at the stairs.

"Hey Finn." PB greeted me as I entered the castle. "I'm not too great at organizing birthday parties but uh, I hope you like what you see." I looked around the main hall and saw what I think was Lady Rainicorn, BMO, Neptr, Marceline, Ice King, Lumpy Space Princess, and maybe a few others. I wasn't able to tell since there were many ordinary candy people in the party too. I got kind of nervous since the party was WAY larger than I was comfortable with, but I tried to just stay chill about it.

I chuckled a little bit before replying to Princess Bubblegum with "Yeah um... I'm happy with what I got" I forced myself to smile.

PB ended up continuing on, as she later said "But besides that, I just wanna say this straight away. I'm proud of you for how far you've come along over the years and that you've now become seventeen." She said, talking to me in a voice like she was my mother or something, leaving me with some odd feeling deep down in my guts. 

I tried to say a small thanks or something in response, but all I could get out of my mouth was some awkward "Oh. Uh..." I backed away feeling a little embarrassed.

She definitely noticed how I felt, since she pretty quickly let out a small laugh, as she said "Sorry if that made you feel a bit uncomfortable."

I just stood there, feeling a bit... Uh... I don't really know how to properly describe how I was feeling. The best I can describe it is with the whole thing about her being proud of me. With the previous quests I had to do for her that I dinked up on, I just couldn't really say the same thing about myself. And this wasn't even JUST about that. I kept on messing up when Finn and Sweet Pea were dealing with the Lich. And I REALLY blew it while Finn was away during his island adventures. He told ME to TAKE CARE of Ooo while he, Jake, BMO and Susan were gone, and what happened? Ooo went into complete chaos and was split between the four elements, along with everyone in it, including me. And the elements could have taken over THE ENTIRE WORLD all because I messed up! The whole mess was only cleaned up once Finn and Jake arrived back from the islands. And I'm pretty sure Finn himself ended up getting overtaken by the fire element, and only managed to go back to normal and fix everything when Lumpy Space Princess managed to finally get some proper senses into him. I just CAN'T say I'm proud of myself when I keep making all these mistakes AGAIN AND AGAIN.

I guess I was so deep into my own thoughts that I didn't notice PB still looking at me. She probably had a similar face to Jake when he first noticed I wasn't feeling too well about myself, but I can't tell. She asked "Uh.. Finn?"

I nearly jumped. I lost track of time, so I don't know exactly how long I was just silent, but in the last probably extremely brief moments that I was thinking about all that junk, I completely forgot I was at the party. I think I might have almost let out a surprised gasp too.

The princess just looked at me a bit concerned. Like as if I was sick or something. I tried to calm her down by just telling her I was fine and all, but before I could get the words out, she asked "Finn, are you.. okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I-I'm just..." I didn't really know if I should've brought up the whole thing with my screwing up on the missions she trusted me with, or just said something generic like I was tired or something. I eventually went with the former. "I'm not really feeling too proud of myself after I donked up on what you wanted me to do."

PB just laughed a bit at that. "Oh nonsense. Don't bum yourself out about that, Finn. That was all small stuff that didn't actually matter too much."

I actually felt slightly better about myself after she said that. I was expecting her to sound more... I don't know. Negative I guess? Disappointed or angry? I just don't really know. I really don't.

Bubblegum seemed ready to walk away as she told me "Anyway, enjoy your party! I made sure there's a lot of people to talk to."

Jake simply told me "Have fun bro." He walked off after that. Probably immediately heading towards Lady, but I wasn't looking so I can't say for sure.

Birthday Chains and Grass (Adventure Time Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora