Chapter 5

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I think I might have almost blacked out, but Jake hurried over to my side once I was on the ground.

"FINN?" I could make out Jake calling out to me while he was slightly shaking me.

I felt so sick I could barely take in what just happened. I was hardly even freaking conscious! Though the only thing I noticed was that the music had stopped. I guess Marcline must have stopped playing once I fell over. Well at least that's over with. Or so I thought.

"Dude....... Like..... What the junk just happened?" I asked in a weak voice. I felt really lightheaded and it took me a lot of energy to sit up and look around and see everyone. They all surrounded the table looking at me, probably wondering what just happened.

But all of a sudden, everyone suddenly looked at me all shocked and stuff. I even saw Jake jump back a bit out of the corner of my eye. I was really confused..... Until I put my left hand to my head to try to rub it since I had a headache. That's when I realized it: My hand was made out of grass. I wasn't in my Finn form anymore. I was now in my normal grassy form. I was back to being Fern, and I was exposed in front of everyone. The lights were back on so I was able to clearly see EVERYONE who was at the party surrounding me as they all saw who I was the whole time.

I just sat there, just as stunned as everyone else. I didn't know what to say, or what to do or anything. All I did was just stare back at everyone who was staring at me. I think Jake tried to question what was going on, but he kept stumbling on whether to call me Finn or Fern...

There wasn't much thinking that led me to do what I did, but I just quickly got up and tried to dash toward the door. I was too....... I don't know whatever that emotion that I was feeling in that moment even was to be honest. I just knew I had to get out of there.

But OF COURSE it wouldn't be that easy. The place was so crowded, I kept on bumping into people and having to maneuver my way towards the door like a maze. Meanwhile all my..... friends were calling for me to stop. But I just tried my best to ignore them all. Although they were chilling enough to where I can still remember them clearly. Just constant screams of confusion and chaos... Barely even audible, but I could make out them calling my name begging for me to stop. By my name I meant a mix of both them calling me Finn and Fern.

I managed to navigate my way through the maze of all the guests, and was right at the door leading out of the castle and out into the Candy Kingdom. I tried to open up the door but it wouldn't budge. It took me a couple of kicks to manage to get the door to bust open. I got outside and was about to run down the stairs, until something grabbed me by my waist. I turned my head back to see that Jake's arm had stretched long enough for his hand to have reached out and grabbed me. He was holding my waist pretty tightly.

"F-F-F... F-Fi- Fern....." Jake muttered in confusion. There was a short pause as I just gazed into his eyes as they were full of emotion. I... I... I had a small amount of grass appearing in my eyes like I was tearing up a bit. But I just tried not to care anymore. I couldn't keep up my whole Finn impersonation anymore, so there wasn't ANY point in really trying to care much about them anymore. I grew the grass sword out of my hand and used it to slice at Jake's hand. I tried to go full force at it, but some kind of feeling within me forced me to severely hold back. I just sensed this form of past.. Past feelings of... Friendship... I think. I don't freaking know at this point. But in the end, that feeling resulted in me only creating a long cut in Jake's hand.

But that still seemed to hurt Jake quite a bit, as he let out a decently loud "OW!" The shock from the pain made him let go of me, and I took the opportunity to get up and run. I tripped and fell down the castle entrance stairs, but I managed to quickly get back up. I sprinted out of the Candy Kingdom as fast as I could, and managed to escape pretty quickly. There weren't many people out on the streets this time at night, so there wasn't really a need to be stealthy. PB probably set some of the banana guards on me, since I heard their familiar" weewoo." But I managed to evade them pretty easily.

So to wrap all this up, I managed to escape to some field area, far away from the Candy Kingdom. It's still dark out, but I can't tell what time it is exactly. But it's probably already past midnight from what I'm guessing. I just really need to lie down and think more about all this. About how I JUST CAN'T FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE AVOID DONKING UP EVERYTHING I HAVE..... I had the life I wanted back, and now I blew it completely. I don't even know how I blew it. Maybe something about that song did it? I don't even want to think about it at this point... I just... I just need some time to rest.

There's no point in even trying to build back this whole thing and try to make myself feel like the real Finn again. I already proved to myself I can't, which makes it impossible for me to live his life properly. And there's also no point in trying to make amends with the real Finn and letting him out of those ruins that I still have him trapped in. I've already burned that bridge, and there's no way I can repair it like nothing happened. So I don't see anything worth doing meanwhile.

So I guess for now, as the moon shines down upon me, I'll just be my true self and lie down in this grassy field as it shows.....

The End...

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