☁️ Hawks x reader

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I guess kinda slight spoilers if you didn't know his actually name was Takami Keigo. 

Credit to artist I love Hawks so much and he is just so cute but hot too

I happened to be just chilling in me and Hawks shared apartment. It was one of the higher buildings with a great view of the city from the living room window. I was on the couch reading my book, window open to let in some lovely cold breeze. I here the flapping of wings and I instantly knew who it was. I turn around to see him sitting on the window seal. "Hey my love." He says bringing his hand to my chin pulling me into a sweet soft kiss. "Hey honey. Aren't you supposed to be doing hero work right now." "They don't need me but I know you do." Kissing me again. "How about we go to the beach. It's a beautiful day. I only have a few more hours." I smile at him. "Yes that sounds amazing." "You don't have any plans today, right?" He smiles at me. Getting down from the window seal and joining me on the couch. "Nope no plans at all." Kissing me on the cheek. "Okay I can't wait." 

"I love you so much Keigo." "I love you too Y/n you mean the world to me." He snuggles into me. He was warm, smelled of fresh air and his natural sent. "What would I possibly do without you." I kiss him on his forehead. He looked up at me with a pout on his face. "Why a pout love?" "You kissed the wrong spot." Pointing at his lips. I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he is. "Okay okay fine." I kissed him on the lips tenderly. After a bit we both pulled away. His arms wrapped around my figure. 

"I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't be with you. Life without you would be miserable." His voice was a bit muffled but I could clearly tell what he said. "Don't say such things Keigo and just enjoy what is in the moment." Hands running through his soft hair comforting him. His placed his chin into my chest looking up at me. 

"You're right. I don't need to get ahead of myself. I'm here with you right now and that's all that matters to me. You're my favorite part of life." 

Looking at me with such love in his eyes.

"You need to stop flattering me so much or I might overheat from blushing." 

"Well you're just so perfect and I love you so much. So why not shower you with sweet words or love and affection? Because you're worth all the praise in the world. I love seeing you this happy and I could just keep on praising you and giving you nothing but words of affirmation all day."

He brings his face closer to mine sprinkling kisses all over my face and lastly my lips. It was a sweet and loving kiss with no other intentions behind it. We both pulled away catching our breath. "Don't you need to get back to work dummy." He had a look of shock like he completely forgot he was at work right now. "Oh shit you're right. Umm well I got to love. I'll text you when I'm almost done with work so I can pick you up and we can got to the beach." He got up from the couch and sat on the window seal once again. "Okay I love you." He rolled back falling out of the window. "I love you too!!" I heard the flapping of wings knowing he had left back to work. 

-Time Skip-

It was around 8:30pm usually Keigo would get off around this time. I was already getting ready for us to go to the beach. I then hear a ding from my phone. Jumping on the bed to look at my phone. It was him! "I'm about to get off make sure your ready 😘" Oh my God. Of course he would use that emoji. "Okay see you in a bit 🥰" Getting off my bed and continuing to get ready. I heard the front door open, I went to go meet him. "Hey love." He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a kiss. "Wow someone definitely missed me. I missed you to." Giving me a quick peck. "Are you ready for a little fly?" "Of course!" "Okay lets go." He took my hand and brought me to the still open window in the living room. "Hold onto me tightly babe. Don't want you falling." I wrapped my arms tightly around him along with my legs. "Okay here we go." He jumped out the window wings spreading open. No matter how many times I fly with him I still always get scared. I closed my eyes and just hoped we got there soon. And we did. We landed on the ground and I could hear the sound of the waves. 

Opening my eyes and getting off of him. The sun setting in beautiful vibrant colors of orange and pink along with the wispy clouds scattered across the sky. The ocean slightly reflecting it colors but it was still a amazing blue. "It's beautiful." "Yes it is." I look back at Keigo. He wasn't looking at the sunset he was looking at me. I could feel my face begin to flush red. "Come on let's go enjoy the water." Taking his hand in mine and walking to the edge of the shore letting the water brush over our feet. I shivered a little bit cause it was cold. He let go of my hand the warmth lingering. From the corner of my eye I could see him take off his jacket and put it over my shoulders. His arm wrapping around my shoulders holding me close into his chest as we look at the beautiful sunset. "I love you Takami Keigo I really do." 

"I love you to Y/n L/n. And with that will you marry me." He got down on one knee holding out a beautiful ring in a velvet box. "YES OF COURSE!" I wrapped my arms around his practically tackling him. His arms firmly wrapped around me, face nestling into my neck. Sprinkling little kisses of love. "I love you so much." I was crying. Happy tears of course but still crying. "I love you too." He pulled away a bit. "Now let me put the ring on your finger love." gently placing my hand into his. He slipped the ring onto my finger and it was sealed. "I love it! It's so pretty!" Getting off from him I started running and jumping around. I couldn't help it I was so happy. "And so are you Y/n."

 I plopped on the sand looking up at the vibrant stars starting to appear. Holding my hand up to look at the ring. Keigo was now standing above me. "I'm glad you like it that much." His smile was so cute. "Of course I do. Now come lay down with me." Doing as I said he now laid down next to me. Pulling me closer to him as we look up at the stars. "Thank you for everything. I love you more than words can express Keigo." "I love you more Y/n." Kissing me on the cheek. 

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