Chapter 2

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I ended up waking up at around one in the morning

I peak through the curtains on my bed seeing Ron trying to get into my trunk but ain't working as I got a new one this summer, which can only be open up by my blood, yes someone could get my blood and do it but for the blood to get their, their needs to be a finger invovled so if someone put its on their finger their with a bit of my blood then it won't work and it recognises if something isn't a finger, plus a long password on top

Looks like it got Ron's thumb and he is hissing in pain before shaking his head and leaving.

I get up following seeing him meeting Hermione and Ginny downstairs

Hermione- "did you get the map?"

Ron- he shakes his head "he must of gotten a new trunk, it bit me when I tried to open it"

Hermione- she sighs "you are useless Ron"

Ron- "says you Granger, your only in this because of your brain plus Harry became unfortunate friends with you"

Ginny- "oh leave her alone Ron, she is better at being the friend than you wrong, atleast she is believable unlike you. Every year you take a break from Harry, like you two are a couple but then get loveie dovie again, admit it, you secretly love him"

Ron- he made a gag noise "I certainly do not, plus I certainly like my women don't, I ain't no cock sucking fag" he then gets punched in the arm and face
"Why did you do that?"

Ginny- "because you shouldn't be so homophobic, remember majority of our world is gay and the above, we have to accept it, that's why we punched you, for you to think next time to not open your stupid mouth"

They head to the headmaster office, not knowing that Harry was hiding to hear it all

Dumbledore- "ahhh glad you three could make it, have you found anything about Harry?"

Ron- "well he was obviously going against what Hermione was saying when him got question why he was reading a book and then telling him to put it away because it is rude after all. Plus he gave Longbottom and Finnigan about how they have the wrong wands and should get new ones, like he wasn't talking to mainly us but other people as well. We couldn't get anything else out of him because of it and he practically zoned out, he wasn't listening to a work we was saying to him at all even when he was talking, not very friend like at all is it?"

Dumbledore- "no but we can allow him to push you lot away, you got to make sure he is listening to you, even if it means causing a problem with his potions or snacking a book away from him or anything you can think of, go to the extreme, if you get any detentions I will sort it all out"

Hermione- "Thank you Headmaster, we just need to make sure he stays as our saviour, we don't want him rebelling or worse joining the dark side"

Dumbledore- "indeed, now I have been to gringotts, for some reason they wouldn't allow me into Harry's vaults to take some money, meaning that means you three and your families won't be getting any money from Harry for a while"

Hermione- "I can't find any if the books that you got from his vaults for me, meaning I am going to fail this year"

Dumbledore- "your smarter than you think Hermione, you won't fail but I wonder if the books went back to gringots or not, more likely they have but that means Harry went to Gringots this summer not just to get money for books or anything else for the school year"

Ron- "explains his new trunk"

Ginny- "am I to still unfortunately flirt and marry him"

Dumbledore- "of course you do, why would you ask that why you were told this since you were born?"

Ginny- she sighs "hope, I guess"

Dumbledore- "well sorry, Ginny, thats not happening ever or any time soon, you are meant to marry him, have his kids and then once he is dead you have everything that we can't get, of his plus your children and you will be famous won't you, just like your brother and Hermione are famous through being friends with Harry, plus they will easily get brilliant jobs within the future because of it"

Ginny- she sighs "true"

Harry- I turn leaving not wanting to listen anymore, I knew they were fully they weren't great friends but all I knew it was Dumbledore taking money from me not them, so this sort of hurts that they are using me, so much for friend

I then go back to the dorm, back to bed not wanting to put up with any of this without much sleep



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