Chapter 8

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I blink awake noticing it was bright and early in the morning.

Why is everything so loud

I sit up feeling too hot as the sun hits my skin

I hear someone rushing to where I am laying pulling the curtains aside

Poppy Pomfrey- "I am glad to see you are awake Mr Potter, your friends have been worrying about it"

Harry- "who threw the ingredient into the potion, I was quick enough to react which was so stupid of me"

Severus- "it wasn't stupid of you Potter, obviously you didn't notice in time which means it wasn't your fault"

Harry- "why do I feel different?"

Severus- "you died but for some reason you came back we are not sure why but we think its either through your DNA or something to do with the potion accident or atleast the potion triggered that part of you but let's just say all together you are not a human anymore"

Harry- "vampire?"

Severus- he nods "vampire" (sorry I have basically changed what I was going to write but I was running out of ideas within the story and I really didn't want to give up another story like the billions that are probably in my draft) "you will be staying with me, not for training wise but because madam Pomfrey did a medical history spell on you and let's just say, we know the truth about what your family has done to you in the past"

Harry- I sigh "great not only Vampire but now people know about the neglect and abuse" I lay back "great one Harry, now people know you are a fuck up" I mumble under my breath

Severus- he sighs sitting down next to the boy "I know I haven't been great towards you since you started Hogwarts but as you know me and your father hated each other, he obviously thought I was interested within your mother but really I saw her as a sister, I was hopeing when you came to hogwarts you were exactly like her but no you were nothing like her at all until recently of course you are similar but completely as different person unlike both your parents. As for with Spying and everything, I couldn't get close to you or be nice to you or any of the above because can't have the dark wizard potion Professor now Defence Professor be nice to the boy who is on the light side and not the dark side"

Harry- I look to Madam Pomfrey but with the gift I have had unlocked this summer, not because of this vampire situation which might make sense as to why I had abilites before becoming a vampire with it being in my DNA and everything. I then look back to Snape "your both of the dark side, fully" I say shocked seeing as Snape hid it well and pretended that he truly was on the light side but he too was using Dumbledore "that makes sense now, which you are forgiven and I too ain't on the light side, at the moment on no side but wish to join the dark, that's if Voldie would have me on his side"

Severus- "he will, on and he is not insane as he acts, that's an act plus he has healed and his soul is more complete, just two pieces of his souls out there which one he didn't know he made, because he thought he made six horcruxes but he made an accidental one"

Harry- "its me"

Poppy- she shakes her head "no that's impossible"

Harry- "why else do you think I used to get dreams about him or last year in the Ministry he possessed me, he used to hurt when he touch my scar or any part of me, which is why he burned up in first year, that was all until my blood was taken to form his body back to normal again in the graveyard. His soul piece is here" I say touching my forehead where the scar is, it seems all my scars but this has disappeared

Poppy- "ah makes sense why that scars but the others including all your wounds and bruises have disappeared, would you like to try to get it out of you or keep the soul there?"

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