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18. Family Hassle

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I can't sleep. It has been three hours, and I keep tossing and turning in my bed. I even snuggle into Ashton's arms, hoping that his gentle snore can lull me to sleep, but my mind is still too busy to shut down.

The worst part is I don't know which one I'm processing right now: my situation with Chloe, or the email Danielle sent to Ashton today. Of course, Ashton can sense something is up, and a thousand scenarios are playing in my head now. If I tell him the truth, can he act cool about it? But if things go south, Danielle is going to throw me under the bus, and I'm too scared to think of what's going to happen.

I don't want another drama with Ashton after the emotional turbulence I'm having with my daughter. If anything, I need him more than ever. Having a suffocating workload, keeping Danielle's secret, and being shut out by my own kid are enough to skyrocket my anxiety. My sanity is close to exploding into a million pieces, and I need Ashton to hold me together at the moment.

I snuggle closer into Ashton, and he rubs my back briefly in his sleep, before his hand goes limp again. Shutting my eyes, I focus my brain on counting his heartbeats. One...two...three...four...five...six...

When I open my eyes, Ashton is not in bed with me. Did I fall asleep? The curtain is still closed, but judging from the bright light beaming through the tiny gap under my bedroom door, it must be morning again now. Realizing I still don't have a day off until tomorrow, I jump up and check my alarm clock. 8:17 AM.


I scramble out of my bed and dash to the bathroom. I can't believe Ashton didn't wake me up because he knew I had to go to work today. We only have two days before the Christmas holiday starts, and everything will stop until after the new year. I need to make sure all the preparations are ready for the launch, and that all the efforts I did in these past few months will be paid off.

Then I can prove to the world that Charlotte Garnett is not just a woman in a rich businessman's shadow.


Chloe has been staying at my parents' for two days now since her school break began after the school performance, and her sitter is not in town until after the new year. Plus, Mom and Dad have been wanting to have her since we moved into our new house. Today, we are going to drive together to Sophie's and celebrate Christmas in her new place.

I'm nervous about what's going to happen after my unfinished argument with Chloe. I told her that night when I took her to Mom we would have another talk after we cooled down. But it's been over twenty-four hours since she left, and I still don't know if I'm in better spirits, especially every time I receive a reply from Danielle.

Danielle: Ashton is sniffing around. He's been asking Dickson and Emily. Be careful.

Me: On the contrary, shouldn't it be the cue to share the news with him?

Danielle: I'm going ahead with the plan. But if you leaked the info before the agreed time, it would not be pretty for everyone. This is just a warning, Charlotte. Don't make this more difficult than it already is. He will know when the time comes.

And that's how our conversation ends.

"What?" Ashton asks when he hears me groaning.

"Uh... It's going to be a five-hour drive. And my ass is going to be flat," I say, inwardly patting my own shoulders for coming up with a quick reply.

"If it's going to be just us in the car, I'd have a better idea to kill the time," he replies, smirking at me.

Chloe and my parents are already waiting on the porch when we enter the driveway. My daughter is wearing her black down jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Her round face is drowned in a thick red knitted winter scarf. It's Mom's. She must have let Chloe have it.

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