The kiss in rain

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"the words we spat in anger can break heart', be silent "

Author's pov
The girl stood there looking at him with teary eyes, no he didn't cared if she fell or twisted her leg , he didn't even looked at her for once
His words rang as a bell in her mind
"Adhvik" she called for the last time she thought yes it was indeed the last time
He stood there in front of the ot his eyes fixed on the door infront of him , her voice was loud enough to each his ears but he tends to ignore her
How can the same person who claimed to love her can spat such words to her , is love this weak ?
A little tough situation comes and we drift apart blaming each other , can we just keep quite and hold on ourselves till the situation get's better?

Her perspective
We can do this right but instead you choose to shout, spat venom filled word's to me , hurt me , break my heart in a matter of situation all his love disappeared
I  smiled wiping my tears
"What a fool i was to expect, how can i forget happiness never lasts much "

"No wonder you were stopping me to love you" i whispered slowly looking up his eyes locked with mine , but once again he turned his face towards the door

"Priorities" i smiled walking outside the hospital
My eyes landed on a small bench
Once again i was sitting alone with water filled clouds around me , the sounds of thundering once again alone ?
Why did i trusted him , how can i let him kiss me that day , only if i wouldn't have hugged him that day , i should have sat there crying till no tears left and finally move on ,i bet that would not hurt this much "

His perspective
" No wonder you were stopping me to love you "  i heard her mild whisper my head instantly shifted to her face
I saw her teary eyes
This time
She wasn't crying because of my family, or her family it was me and i knew it i shouldn't have said things i didn't mean but wasn't it her fault??
I agree truth has to reveled but i don't think it was the right time nor situation was it that hard for her to understand?

I saw her turning around walking towards the exit of the hospital
A sence of panic rushed though my veins?
But where will she go , she's not familiar with this town she'll probably just sit somewhere nearby

Author's perspective

Quotes aren't wrong
" We hurt them only when we take them for granted"
Adhvik has his full focus on the door while she sat outside light rain drops started falling on her she smiled looking upstairs
Atleast someone's crying with her , she saw light shadow on moon in between the clouds
Her smile dropped, the same moon she would thank daily made her smile drop
"I thought i could make your broken son happy again but he broke me too " she chuckled
The rain just poured harder by every passing minute she just sat there enjoying it

No one can tell if they are her tears or rain drops dropping down her cheeks
That is the best part about the rain

She hates to do this , but she still looked towards the entrence in hope of seeing him
Why can't see just hate him immediately
"We can't"

Soon she saw a shadow, she knew it was him she immediately turned her head to the other side a light smile on her face
But why was she smiling
Soon he stood a step away from her
"The driver is here he'll drop you home " came his soft voice
She looked at him her tears mixing with the rain drops
She stood infront of him her hands reached his face
She caressed his face softly with her wet fingers , she moved forward placing her lips on his dry ones , thunders rumbles in a distance as if they are laughing on them
She felt his hands on her arms , she watches him close his eyes as a lonely tear slips them
She smiles more , holding his shirt tightly she deepness the kiss before moving back all of a sudden
Leaving him shocked and stiff
She looked at his now swollen lips his messy hairs
Her eyes wanderers on his whole space before stopping on his cheeks
Leaving a light peck on his cheeks she moved back

"Bye " a small whisper came
"The driver is here " his raspy voice came she nodded and turned around walking towards the car
Not even for a sec she looked back
He felt her taking his heart away with her , why does his heart feels heavy she's just going home
He's gonna meet her in some hours

His perspective
"Reach safely"
I  whisper to myself looking at the car speeding away
I felt my knees giving up
She's not going away forever just for some hour's and I'll hug her tightly tell her everything i said was just nonsense, kiss her till she forgets my stupid words i didn't ment a single thing vinaya, i love you, what would i have done if you never came to my life , i know you just wanted to protect me , you wanted me to be happy i know, I'm sorry princessesa you'll soon be in my arms "

I smiled walking back inside the hospital

Author's perspective
He went inside smiling to himself only if we knew
While she reached her house not a single emotion on her face
She went straight towards their room
Her eyes scanned every single corner of the room , her eyes spotted the suitcase and once again she stuffed all her belongings in that and walked out in the unknown town
But this time she's not afraid of anything or anyone she's not gonna let anyone help her and then break her once again

She wanted to confront him yell at him ask her answers but at the corner of her heart she just wants to run far away from everything and especially him

To be continued

Hope you all will vote and comment for the next part if you liked the story 8-)

The wife he never cared about Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora