Chapter 64: June Jackson

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            I was met with the familiar sent of humid dirt and floral aromas before I was dropped harshly on the floor. I pushed the comforter off of me and groaned from the ache in my backside.

"I want out of the vow! You tricked me, you pretentious weed!" Hendrix spat beyond angry.

I looked up into his red contorted face, and realized I had never seen him this angry before. Thankfully the anger wasn't directed at me, but I was surprised to see that his target was actually the Angel's Heart. My relief changed to anger. What had the Angel's Heart ever done to him? She had been nothing but kind and supportive to me, and he had no right to treat her this harshly.

Before I could say anything Hendrix dramatically and almost comically gestured at me and my overflowing hair. "This was not a part of the deal! I am doing everything in my power, but every time I think I got a handle on things, this happens! How the hell am I supposed to hide this?!"

I quickly realized that he was expecting the Angel's Heart to answer him. "You understand her, too?" I asked surprised.

Hendrix looked to me perplexed, but still breathing a bit hard from his tantrum. "Who?" he asked exasperated.

"The flower. The Angel's Heart. You can speak with her too?"

His mouth hung open as he sputtered. I had also never seen Hendrix this unhinged. His hair was still crazy from sleep and his eyes were wide and almost protruding. I actually preferred this manic expressive vampire to the cold collected one I had grown familiar with.

"Too? You can speak with this... this... plant?!" Hendrix threw his hand at the flower looking exhausted despite having just woken up.

"Oh, um... Yeah..." I said sheepishly. I had thought he could as well, but I guess not.

Hendrix straightened himself and held the bridge of his nose. "Of course, you can. Can you please ask this flower if it can let me out of the promise it tricked me into making?"

I glanced between the Angel's Heart and Hendrix. Relaxing my body and opening my heart I listened.

"...une? J... June? What happened?" I could hear in my mind. There was deep concern in the voice as the familiar tendrils reached out to me. One tendril tenderly held one of my ridiculously long locks aloft.

"I don't know. I just woke up like this," I said while picking up locks of my own hair in my hands and watching them fall.

Hendrix looked steely at me, waiting.

"But Hendrix wants me to ask if you can let him out of his promise. I guess... What promise did you make?" I asked turning to Hendrix.

Hendrix huffed and glared at the flower. "Why don't you ask your friend here?" he spat.

I heard a sigh in my mind. "The vampire promised to protect you, and no he cannot get out of his promise."

I glanced to Hendrix. "She said no." I then looked back to the flower. "Protect me from what? And why would he promise that?"


"What does it mean by no?! How am I expected to hide her identity if she's spouting hair like some chia pet?!" he yelled getting all in a tizzy again.

I couldn't hear the flower when Hendrix was yelling like that, but his words shook me. "What do you mean? Hide my identity?" I knew it. I knew they were hiding something from me. Cenderion, the Angel's Heart, and now Hendrix. They knew something about me, and it was time they told me the truth.

Hendrix bit his lip and turned away from me. He was regretting his actions, but I wasn't going to let this lie. I turned to the angel's heart.

"What is this identity that needs to be hidden?" I asked the Angel's Heart clearly. I could feel my brow tighten in a serious stare.

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