Chapter 99: June Jackson

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I know my readers were wanting another update this week, and I really tried. Unfortunately life had other plans. Here is the chapter you've all been waiting for. Don't forget to comment and vote!

-Lucinda Croft

            It took me a bit to reconfigure where exactly in Hendrix's estate we were. Unlike at Wistering Heights, I had never looked at a map of this place, and I had ran to that marble art studio in a panicked haze in the first place. After asking a maid for directions, however, we finally got outside.

"So, your husband lives at Mr. Hendrix's estate or in a shack nearby?" Hoen asked sarcastically.

"Hoen!" Lannister hissed.

I sighed starting to get annoyed. "Has anyone ever told you that you're incredibly pleasant company?" I said while directing myself towards where I normally enter the forest to find Cenderion.

"I just don't know why you can't just tell us who this mystery man is." Hoen grumbled. The longer we were acquainted the more irritable Hoen became.

"And here I thought I was the professional ass!" Jimmy's voice called as he appeared before us walking in our direction.

"Jimmy?" I said surprised. To be honest I was relieved to see him. I didn't know how much more I could take of this grumpy elf. Tala was tolerable and Lannister was fine, but Hoen was grating my last nerves. "How'd you find us?" I asked.

"I never left, Angel Cakes. Just gave you some distance. You feeling better?" He asked.

I smiled. I don't know when, but Jimmy at some point started feeling like a part of where I belonged. Maybe it was because he reminded me of my brother. My brother was a gifted under-achiever who had the mouth of a sailor and the demeanor of a grouchy old man despite being younger than me. We often got into arguments and he would test the limits of my patience incessantly, but we got each other. Respected each other. We had each other's backs, despite being worlds different. I missed him horribly.

"Is this your husband?" Hoen asked unimpressed. Lannister's eyes widened as he glanced between the two of us.

Jimmy and I looked at each other and stepped back repulsed.

"No!" We both said emphatically.

"He's my body guard, Jimmy. Jimmy this is Lannister, Hoen, and Tala." I said indicating to each person.

"Tala the cutie, Lannister the unicorn, and Hoen the ass. Got it." Jimmy said with an evil smile.

"Watch it, Vampire!" Hoen said with gritted teeth.

"Of course. It's my job." Jimmy said dismissively and turned to walk beside me. I glanced back at Hoen nervously, but decided to trudge on. The sooner I helped them, the sooner I could get away from this drama.

We finally came upon the Angel's Heart saplings, which was right near the forest's entrance. The flowers were fully blossomed. They looked like miniature versions of their mother. My heart swelled with pride. I couldn't help but go over to greet them. Thin tendrils reached for me as I approached and their faces turned in my direction. I knelt down and held my hand out to allow some of their tendrils to wrap around my fingers like small hugs.

"They really do move..." Lannister said behind me surprised.

I looked back at the three gawking at the saplings. "They don't normally?" I asked.

They all shook their head.

"Oh." I said. Just another thing that sets me apart, I guess.

Hoen knelt beside me to take a closer look. "Do you command them to do that?" he asked intrigued.

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