27. Barriers

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I had made up my mind. I needed to stay away from Olivia. Being close to her could lead us both into trouble. Just yesterday, I struggled not to kiss her. Her tempting lips had stirred a strong desire within me, and I had to exert self-control to resist. If not, I would have kissed her right then and there.

But despite my intentions, I couldn't stop thinking about her. My mind was supposed to be focused on work, but Olivia occupied half of my thoughts. Why was she occupying so much space in my mind? She was here solely for the sake of the baby, nothing more.

"Nothing more" I muttered aloud, reassuring myself. I redirected my attention to the task at hand. Liam had sent over the missing report, and I delved into it. As I was engrossed in the documents, my mobile phone interrupted with a ringing tone. My heart skipped a beat upon seeing Olivia's name on the screen. I contemplated ignoring the call, but a part of me longed to hear her voice. After a brief internal struggle, I pressed the accept button and held the phone to my ear. "Hello," I spoke softly.

"Hello, Logan. Are you still at work?" Her voice sounded distant, and I wondered where she was calling from.

"Yes, why?" I replied, my voice tinged with firmness. I hoped she wouldn't ask me to get shrimp and crabs like last time. Silence followed.

"Are you there?" I questioned again as the silence lingered. I heard a rustling sound before her voice came through once more. "Sorry, I was crossing the road."

"Why would you cross the road while talking on the phone? And where are you?" I couldn't help but raise my voice unintentionally.

"Calm down. Nothing happened. I had to cross the road to talk to you properly. And I went out to get a coffee."

"Where is Larisa? Can't she get it for you?"

Her deep breath resonated through the line. "Are you concerned about me putting the baby's life in danger? Or are you worried about my well-being?" Her question caught me off guard. I didn't know why I was getting stressed over the potential risks to her life. Was it because of her or the baby? I had no answer.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. "Forget about it. Why did you call?"

"I want answers first," she declared, adding to my mounting stress.

"I already said forget it," I replied, attempting to maintain composure.

"Then forget about me calling too." And with that, the line went dead, leaving me staring at a blank screen. What had just happened?

I stared at the phone for a while, contemplating whether to call her back or not. Ultimately, I decided against it and placed the phone in my pocket. Perhaps I should grab something to eat. I had a lunch meeting with a client, and I could use the opportunity. I slipped my phone into my pocket and made my way out. As I left the office, Abigail approached me. "Mr. Logan."

I cut her off abruptly. "Leave everything until I'm back from lunch. I'm starving. Talking about work will only make it worse." I dismissed her and strode out of the building.

The drive to the meeting point took about ten to fifteen minutes. I couldn't shake off the thought of how easily Olivia could anger me. She always managed to get under my skin one way or another. After parking my car in the lot, I entered the restaurant. Mr. Evans, the man I was meeting with, waved his hand in greeting. "Welcome Logan," he said warmly. Mr. Evans was in his mid-forties but had a sharp mind. He was intelligent and smart.

"Thank you, Mr. Evans," I replied, catching the attention of the server.

"Welcome, sir," the young lady said, handing us the menu. "Logan, may I choose a full plate for you?"

A faint smile appeared on my face. "Sure, go ahead." We made our selections and returned the menu to the girl.

"So, Logan, what are your hopes for the proposed project you sent to me?"

"You know I don't proceed without careful consideration of what lies ahead. That was why I sent you the proposal before anyone else. I value your insights," I said, not forgetting to mention that Mr. Evans was my mentor. He was an old friend of my mother's, and he played a significant role in igniting my dreams of pursuing a tech business—dreams that my father later supported.

"I can see you still hold this old man in high regard," he teased, flipping through the papers in front of him.

"You could say that. After all, I look up to you." I answered.

"Let's see, then..."

Our food arrived, and I immediately dug in, aware of how empty my stomach was. The business talk seemed to fade into the background as my focus shifted to the delicious meal.

Once I had cleared my plate, I let out a sigh of satisfaction. "Seems like you were really hungry," Mr. Evans remarked.

I shook my head. "I was damn hungry. Sorry for not paying much attention."

"No problem. So, from what I've read, the project is going to be a hit. A Bluetooth headset that connects using voice commands—something unique. I'm giving you my full support."

"Thank you, Mr. Evans. I'll proceed with the rest of the plan."

We chatted for a while, discussing work and touching on our personal lives before parting ways. I returned to the office and delved into the new plan I had in mind. I was excited about showcasing the product at our next meeting, and I was confident that they would support me.

By the time I finished—or rather, it was time to close for the day—I stretched my body. I hadn't left the office since I returned from the meeting with Mr. Evans. I was determined to bring my product idea to life. I know it won't be easy though. But then again, it wasn't the first time I had take on a hard project.

In the elevator, I ran into Scott. Our conversation was brief, as usual. There was always a sense of distance between us. Scott was the eldest, and I respected him for keeping his distance from family matters. He doesn't meddle in affairs. As for Bernard and Liam, especially Liam, who was the fourth brother, he always acts as if he knew what was best for us. Although Bernard and Scott doesn't complain, I always put him in his place.

But that wasn't the focus of our conversation. As I entered the house, the dining area was scantly occupied. Olivia was nowhere to be seen. Only Father, his wife, and Sarah were present. It was one of those days when everyone seemed preoccupied with their own moods. I followed suit, as I was exhausted. "Aren't you going to call them?" I heard my stepmother's distant voice. She knew Father wouldn't ask us to sit with him in as much as everyone is in their moods. As I was about to enter my room, Olivia emerged from hers and stopped me in my tracks. "Didn't you see my text?" she asked.

"What do you mean? Is that a question or an accusation?" I clenched my jaw, trying to control my anger. This wasn't the right time to lose my temper. "I would advise you to speak to me with some manners, Olivia. I'm not a joke." In that moment, her eyes widened, as if she realized the weight of her choice of words.

"I wasn't trying to be rude. I simply asked you a straightforward question. If you were being honest, you would have given me an immediate answer instead of beating around the bush."

"Beating around the bush?" I asked, surprised. I withdrew my hand from the doorknob and stepped closer. Maybe it was time to express my frustration, as it seemed there was a growing lack of respect between us.

"Listen here, Olivia. First of all, let me remind you why you're here. Just because I'm being kind to you doesn't give you the right to disrespect me however you please. I chose not to answer your question because I didn't see the point in it. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I'm doing my best to take responsibility. But don't push me too far. You know very well this situation isn't solely my fault. We were both involved in it."

A chuckle escaped from her, leaving me perplexed. "I understand it now, Logan. Let's not dwell on your responsibility or whose fault it was. What I want to know is how long you plan to keep the truth hidden from your family. You know very well that we're married, and it's not just a fake marriage. It's a legal one." My body trembled, and a sense of fear washed over me as I contemplated the consequences of my actions. I was sure in deep trouble.

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