51. Costa Rica

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I was confident in the plan we had laid out to get the men to go on the trip, but I didn't expect it to happen so fast. What shocked me even more was that Mr. Nero was going to be among the people going on the trip. In short, we had a full house. That really warmed my heart in every possible way. It meant that all my efforts in the past to bring the family together weren't in vain. Maybe, time was what they needed.

Preparations had already been made. Everyone had packed their bags, ready for the trip to Costa Rica, which we'd be leaving for in an hour or so. "Olivia, I need your help," came Sarah's voice as her head appeared through my door.

"What kind of help? Come in." I ushered her inside. We had gone shopping earlier in the morning. The number of outfits Sarah and Amelia had bought couldn't be measured. It was as if they were going to be there for a month. I didn't buy too many outfits myself, although Amelia and Sarah had convinced me to buy three sets of lingerie.

I felt so embarrassed the way they kept talking about how they'd "tame" their husbands in bed. I wished the ground could swallow me whole. After shopping, we had gone to the spa and salon before finally returning home with a lot of shopping bags.

"I'm thinking..." Sarah started but then stopped, looking skeptical. I wondered what was going through her mind.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, my brows creasing in concern. Sarah heaved out a sharp breath, grabbed my hand, and led us out of the room. "I think you should see for yourself," she said.

We entered her room, and she led us toward her closet. I gave it a confused glance, then looked back at her. Sarah reached in and pulled out a box. She opened it, and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at the contents. Sex toys. "What are you doing with these?" I asked, bewildered.

"They're mine, of course. Bernard and I..." she trailed off. "You know... But that's not why I called you here. I'm thinking about taking them along." She said, biting her lower lip as she examined the box.

"Take them where?" I had to suppress a laugh. Seriously, what would she need sex toys for when she had Bernard all to herself?

"To Costa Rica, of course. Who knows, they might come in handy," she mused, her lips curving up.

I took the box from her hand, closed it, and placed it back inside her closet, then turned to look at her. "Look, Sarah, you don't need sex toys to please Bernard. Use your charms instead. Your seductive skills. You'd have him wrapped around your fingers in no time," I advised. Okay, I had no idea where those words came from. When did I become a relationship adviser for intimate matters? I wasn't even practicing seductive skills with Logan.

Sarah squinted at me. "Is this how you tame Logan?" She asked, her tone dripping with teasing. My cheeks heated up. I hadn't really used any seductive skills on Logan. But I did have plans to unleash my wild side during our trip. He wouldn't expect that from me.

I flashed Sarah a smile. "No, not yet. But I'm planning to. Remember, this trip isn't just about going on vacation; we're going there to win. To make them fall head over heels for us," I explained, pulling my hand out. Sarah nodded and placed hers on top of mine.

"You're right. I don't need sex toys or anything like that. I'm using my wild self to tame the bad guy." We both chuckled.

The time had finally arrived: our departure time. Mr. Nero took everyone by surprise when he announced that we'd leave in his private jet. All the couples took their seats accordingly. Mr. and Mrs. Nero together, Amelia, Scott, and their daughter Quinn in their designated section, Sarah, Bernard, and their daughter Molly in theirs.

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