Chapter 12

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I ease slowly into my new pattern of dressing Princess Asteria each morning. I rise at the crack of dawn, oftentimes before the sun has risen, eat a quick breakfast, and head to the princess's quarters with haste. Some days, I gently have to nudge and wake her; others, she is awake and already waiting for me. The process of dressing her has grown easier with more practice, and now, I strangely look forward to each morning spent with the princess. Finally, I have some time each day to fully focus my attention on the mission uninterrupted.

I only wish though that the conversations were more productive.

Though I have tried with all my might to ask appropriate questions that will trigger a more elaborate response from the princess, I am met with only curt answers. I have learned bits and pieces about Magewell and the princess's relationship with her family, but nothing substantial enough to write in a letter to my mother. In fact, I am still waiting for a response from my mother after the letter I sent detailing my new role.

Every day, I check the mail pile with baited breath, until finally, a week after I have begun dressing the princess, a letter finally arrives for me. Maria has left the unopened envelope on my dresser after I return one afternoon. Though it can be nothing more than one or two pieces of parchment, I am already intimidated by it. I debate waiting until later to read it, but the bulk of my duties are done for the day, and I have nothing else to distract myself.

Sighing, I tear open the envelope carefully:

Dearest Fe,

Congratulations on your new role! I am pleased to hear that you are gaining notice from the princess. I hope you can continue to have fruitful conversations with Her Majesty. Perhaps if you do well enough, she will place you in charge of more roles as well.

You asked how Haukea is doing. I am pleased to share that she recently joined the royal guard. It is amazing how much she was able to accomplish in only a month's time. I have no doubt she will excel at her new role. I can only hope you will continue to thrive in yours as well.

Please write soon. I would love to hear more updates.


Elsie Holland

I sigh and set the letter down. At least I no longer have to worry about the contents of it, but I wonder how I can continue to improve my relationship with Asteria. Dressing her gives me a solid half hour on a good day, but I risk jeopardizing the mission by prying too much. Many of the other maids already seem to dislike me. If I put in too much effort, I will no doubt anger someone else besides Josie. What's worse, Alba's warning still rings in my head about getting too comfortable with the princess. I may speak privately to the princess all I like, but it will no doubt offend someone in my vicinity. I hold my head in my hands, wondering what updates I will have for Mama in my next letter when Maria enters the room. I glance up, not having heard her footsteps.

"Long day?" Maria asks.

I slowly shove the letter away into the top of my dresser drawer. "Yes. Alba did not give me much of a break today."

"She must admire your tenacity then," Maria says with a smile. "Otherwise she wouldn't give you so much to do."

"Perhaps," I say.

"You receive many letters," Maria notes, eyeing the top drawer where I shoved my letter away.

I stiffen, worrying perhaps that she is suspicious, but judging by her gentle smile, I can tell that she is only curious.

"It is not from my supposed lover back home, if that's what you're thinking," I say. "I don't know why Zofia will not let that rumor die."

Maria giggles. "I am only surprised to see you receive so much mail."

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