Chapter 21

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I once again have to grow used to the sensation of waking up in an unfamiliar room. The months I spent becoming comfortable living in the maids' quarters are no longer relevant. When I wake, there are no rickety mattress springs creaking beneath me or a roommate I must remain quiet for while I dress myself. Rather, I lie comfortably on the soft mattress in Alba's former bedroom, now my own. I pull the warm covers back from my body and gently lower my feet to the floor. When I pull the curtains back, another sunny spring day greets me.

I change into my maid's uniform and am quickly satisfied by the fact that I no longer need to worry about procuring breakfast for myself before beginning my maid duties. From here on and out, I will be sharing the majority of my meals with Princess Asteria in the dining room. Though many of my duties will change in nature due to my new status as head maid, Asteria has still asked that I dress her each morning. I make my way to her chambers as usual, though a part of me misses when I used to reside in her bedroom myself. The evening before was my first time sleeping alone since arriving to Esterpool, and I was kept awake by my thoughts for longer than I wanted without the company of another.

When I unlock the door to Asteria's room, I find her passed out in her bed, sleeping soundly. I figure she must be thrilled to have her bed back to herself now that I have recovered. Gently, I shove on her arm.

"Asteria. It's time to wake up," I say.

Her eyelids flutter with waking. She lets out a smile as she recognizes me. My heart surprisingly skips a beat. "Good morning, Fe," she says, yawning as she rises to a sit. "Did you sleep well in your new room?"

"Well enough," I answer. "Are you satisfied in having your chambers back to yourself?"

"I suppose so. Although, I forget how quiet it can become in here. But no matter. You are my head maid now, so I will see you more often," Asteria says with a smile.

I work slower than normal as I dress the princess for the day, still not completely recovered from my injuries. Though she does not seem to notice my slowness, I still feel an urge to apologize. I open my mouth to say so, but then I twist my body to button one of her gown pieces, and sharp pain runs through my body. I let out a hiss.

"Fe! Are you all right?" Asteria asks, gently resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes. I moved too quickly," I say.

"You're still healing, Fe. Let me take care of the rest," Asteria says. "Go sit down."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "I can call up one of the other maids to finish—"

"No. You've dressed me most of the way. I can finish dressing myself," Asteria says. When I open my mouth to protest, she narrows her eyes at me. "Seriously, Fe. Go sit."

I do as I am told and wait patiently for her to finish dressing herself. She emerges not too long afterwards in a light green gown that matches the color of the rolling hills of Esterpool.

"Are you feeling well enough to accompany me to breakfast?" Asteria asks.

"Yes, I think so," I respond.

"Let's be off, then," Asteria says.

When I walk with Asteria toward the dining hall, I do not feel so much like her head maid but rather, her friend. Once or twice I would see Alba escorting her to meals, and Asteria was always quiet, listening intently to Alba lecture her or go over her schedule for the day. However, when it's just the two of us, we talk freely and openly, and I can tell from Asteria's cheerful smile and laid-back expressions that she is at ease.

Though she may be more relaxed having me as her head maid, my duties have only skyrocketed. At breakfast, I do my best to keep up conversation with Asteria while also reviewing her schedule for the day. Alba has made me a list of the princess's obligations for the next few weeks. Eventually, I will be in charge of creating a schedule myself. I feel myself sweating as I scan the journal she has left me. What if I'm unfit for this role? What if Alba is unsatisfied with my performance? Then, I remember that Asteria is the only one with the authority to dismiss me, and Alba is on equal playing ground with me now.

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