8. Mountain ash

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Lucy POV

"Where are we going?"  I asked while I fastened my seat belt .

"It's a surprise." Theo smiled.

"Well I don't like surprises."

"Why not?"

"Because I get disappointed. People think they surprise you but they don't know how to surprise you , what surprises you."

"And what surprises you?" Theo asked curious while driving.

"You should be telling me since you decided to surprise me."  I smirked.

"Hmm, let me think. You are fascinated by mysterious things. Things that turn out to be the complete difference of the ordinary."  He was speaking like he was reading my mind. But I didn't like the tone of his voice.

"Did you read my diary?"  I tried to joke around without letting him know that I understood something was wrong.

"Are you one of those who keeps a diary?" He raised his brow.

"Why? Aren't you one of those who keep a diary? Or do you have many sins to hide even from yourself?"

What I said it seemed it affected him. He didn't answer. The rain started .

" The sky was cloudy, I knew it would rain. How long till we go to this surprise place of yours? " I asked again.

" We are there. " He took a left turn and the car stopped.

" Unfortunately I'm not good at reading weather so I don't have an umbrella with me . " He made an apologetic face.

" Ok. Will we stay in the car? "

" My surprise is out there , do you mind walking in the rain just for a bit? A short distance? "

" Yeah, I don't mind. " I liked rain,   as soon as I went out of the car I raised my head and felt the drops of rain in my eyes.  I held out my hands , so I could catch rain drops in my palms.

" You will get sick, come on. " Theo interrupted my moment.

" It's worth it. " I smiled following him.

We walked fast and reached a house . It was the old wood house. Derek's house, what were we doing there?

" Have you ever been here? " He asked as soon as we entered the shelter.

"Yes. I've been once , I went for a walk , I got lost and ended up here.Is this house yours?"

I knew Derek said it was his house, but maybe he lied to me.

A thunder was heard and I hurried to hold his arm , I hid my face on his shoulder.  I was terrified of thunder.

I raised my head slowly looking at his face. He laughed surprised. I let go of his arm taking steps back.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's ok."  He said smiling at me.  Sometimes it looked like this guy was sincere. Other times I felt scared.

"So this is the surprise? Is this house yours? "  I asked again.

" No, It's my friend's house. " Was Derek his friend?

" And? What are we doing here?"

" Waiting for your surprise. "

" I don't get it, what surprise? "

" We will wait a few minutes , it must be near. " He smirked devilishly . I didn't like that.

But I decided to wait.

DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now