21. Stilinski super power

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Lucy pov

Scott and Stiles warned me not to let Theo close to me, or if he came close to me,  yelling or shouting for help and Scott would hear me with his werewolf hearing.
Yeah, like I would shout as if I was crazy.

I was walking on my own to the next class when a hand was put over my mouth and someone dragged me from behind.
I tried to scream, to kick with my feet but the person was really strong. I couldn't see his face, but I guess it was someone really strong because it raised me easily in the air with one arm around my belly.

Finally when we reached the old basement of the school he let me go and not surprisingly it was Theo.

"What are you doing?" I tried to run away as soon as he let me go, but he stopped me by blocking the way out.

"I'm sorry I did that, but we need to talk."
He raised his palms in the air in surrender.

"I don't want to talk to you! Get away!" I tried to push him but he was stronger.

"Just listen to me Lucy. I don't know what you have done to piss off the Argents but Kate Argent is coming for you. And she is not a simple werewolf, she is a Kanima. "
He tried to convince me into listening to him.

"Yeah, yeah old tale. Kate has been captured."

"Kate is free. They didn't tell you she escaped right?"
Theo had a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean she escaped?" I grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt.

"Kate escaped when they were transfering her and she is after you. You may not trust me, but I'm the best chance you got."

Should I have trusted him with what he said?

"No, my best chance is Scott, only Scott. I don't trust you." I released his collar putting some distance between us.

"Scott? The person that didn't tell you she had escaped yesterday when I sent you the message? "

At that moment I realized why Deaton and Braeden came. Well Braeden could have had her motives about meeting Derek. Why was I even thinking about Derek?

I shook my head trying to shake away the thought of him.

"Why should I trust you? What do you win from this?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest waiting for his answer.

"I'll help you get your revenge, I've got no problem adding another murder to my list. And you make me part of the group."

"What do you mean? What group?"

"Scott, Stiles, Lidia... don't make me mention all their names."

"I'm not part of the group myself, how can I convince them to accept you in?"

"Yes you are. As long as they protect you, you are part of them. Introduce me as your boyfriend."

That made me laugh, and I had a good laugh before speaking.
"They would never buy that."

"Then we'll make them believe it." He smirked again.

"No." I shook my head. "I don't need your help." I continued before walking towards the entrance but the door was pushed open revealing Kate in her human form.

I walked back, my heart was beating loudly in my chest. Not expecting for Theo to cover me with his body.

"Oh so sweet! Does Derek know you're alone with other boys cupcake?" She smirked walking slowly towards us as if teasing us.

"Derek?" Theo found the right moment to turn his head and ask me.

"Oh you sneaky boy didn't know? Apparantly she is Derek's mate. But let me tell you a secret cupcake, Derek doesn't like weak school girls." Her nails scratched the wall.

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