58 - airpods

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(the next morning, 8:30am)
i barely got any sleep last night. i spent half the night crying, and the rest of the night coughing and sneezing. i was so so sick.
i got ready for school, despite knowing i should definitely NOT be attending school due to my current illness. i hadn't taken my temperature or anything, but i knew for a fact i was burning up. my throat had gotten even more sore over night that i could barely speak, and my nose was so blocked i had to pretty much do all my breathing out of my mouth, which was so exhausting. i also had a pounding headache and when i looked in the mirror, i looked pale as shit.
i walked down to the kitchen, to see matt sitting at the table on his phone, ready to drop me off at school as per usual. but to be honest i didn't want to be near him after the news last night. i was tempted to walk by myself. but when he took a look at me his expression changed.
"what the fuck happened?" he asked.
"what do you mean?"
"you look awful, are you sick??" he said, standing up and coming towards me.
"what?? no, i'm not sick" i managed to say, but my croaky voice said otherwise. he shook his head.
"maddie, you can't go into school. you need to rest. you're sick." he demanded.
"no, matt. the week is almost over." i said, stopping to cough. and it was a very wet cough. "i'm going in. i don't care. i'll be fine, i don't care if i infect everyone, i hate everyone at that ratty school"
i headed to the door to get my shoes on, as matt followed me.
"it's not about infecting people, it's about you taking care of yourself-"
"blah, blah, blah. i've had enough of that taking care of myself bullshit. why didn't you think of that before you told me you're going back to fucking los angeles? on the other side of the country?" i demanded, opening the front door with such force that i thought for a second i almost broke off the door knob. i stormed to the car, sitting in the back and NOT the passenger seat. he followed shortly behind me, closing the front door. he looked fed up at this point, but i was even more fed up. i was still furious.
as he got into the car, i sneezed. he turned around to look at me, starting the engine.
"look, maddie. i know you don't think i care about you, but i do. and i only want the best for you. so if you wanna go into school and feel like crap the whole day, do it. not my problem." he said, beginning to drive, but looking at me in the rear view mirror. "and if you don't do your seatbelt up now and we get into a car crash, not my problem anymore."
"we aren't gonna fucking get into a car crash, matt. how long have you been driving? 3.. 4 years now?"
he just tutted, and continued driving.
"you're lucky i'm even taking you into school right now with that attitude."
the rest of the drive was silent, apart from matt dramatically exhaling every fifty seconds. i also got an email from mr jackson telling me i had forgotten my airpods in his classroom. i'm not really sure how i'd not realised sooner, considering i pretty much eat sleep and breathe spotify.
well, i couldn't wait to get out of this car and into school. i didn't give a fuck about these bullies anymore. i didn't have any energy for them. matt should be proud of me for having the guts to go into school, now he wants me to fucking stay home like a baby??? pshhh.. no way.

we got to school, and i tried unlocking the door but matt had it locked still.
"matt, open the fucking door. i'm gonna be late." i demanded, looking at him in the rear view mirror. he turned around, with full eye contact, which kind of scared the shit out of me but i didn't show it.
"don't come calling me asking me to pick you up at 10am when you realise how sick you are. you're staying in school the whole day and that will teach you a lesson. i don't want to hear it."
i didn't say anything. just stared blankly at him. i had so many angry things i wanted to scream at him right then and there but then he unlocked the door. i flung it open, throwing my bag onto my shoulders, and slamming the door, walking into the building and not turning back. once.
matt was talking nonsense. i'm really not that sick. i'm gonna be fine today.

ok.. matt was right. i really am that sick. and i'm not gonna be fine today.
in maths this morning my head was FUCKING SPINNING i tell you. i felt like i was on drugs. i had to sit in the nurse for the whole of break. they didn't do anything though, just gave me water and some medicine for my headache.
i kept sneezing and coughing throughout the day, but here's a positive thing so far: none of those girls had spoken to me today, they'd been ignoring me the whole day. let's go.
i'd gone past them a few times and they'd given me dirty looks, but i think that's pretty good compared to what they had been previously doing. hey, we really are making progress here.
it was lunch now and i was feeling pretty hungry, so i made my way to the cafeteria, but on the way there i went past the art classroom, and stopped outside for a brief moment.
i needed to go get my airpods.
so i gently opened the door to the art classroom and entered, but to my surprise no one was even in there.

the art classroom was sort of dark, the blinds were shut, but there was some light peaking in through the parts of the window that the blinds didn't cover.
"mr jackson?" i called out, because i couldn't spot my airpods anywhere.
bruh why was i even calling his name. it's not like he was hiding and he was gonna jump out on me. this isn't some surprise birthday party.
as i continued to look around the classroom, i heard the door to the classroom open behind me. i immediately turned around, expecting to see mr jackson's warm smile greeting me, but it was not mr jackson.
it was definitely not mr jackson.
"hey maddie."
shit. they were back.

it was the girls. annabelle, chloe, anna and ava, coming to haunt me again. but why were they in here? they couldn't give a shit about art.
"what are you guys doing in h-"
but before i could finish my sentence, one of them took a huge swing at my face, and before i knew it i was on the floor, blood tricking out from my nose, as my vision went blurry.
i really should have not come into school today...

hehe ur gonna have to wait to find out what happens :))
3 chapters out in a day!!! bc i felt bad for not updating for so long and i had a sudden random burst of motivation to write LMAOOO
thank u for all the love <33

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