74 - comfort

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oh shit...
i stared at the stain in shock. in disbelief. how did this even happen?
"you've woken up"
i turned around at the speed of light, my heart skipping five beats, and it was nick, eating a bag of chips.
"what are you doing here??" i quickly muttered, making sure i was standing in the way of the mess id made.
"we got home like half an hour ago but you were sleeping so we didn't wanna disturb you." he explained. "are you feeling any better? your stomach still hurting?"
i shook my head, "i feel ok now."
he nodded, before moving towards the couch.
not happening.
"wait" i interrupted, blocking him from reaching the sofa. "what are you doing???"
"i'm gonna watch the tv.. because this is my living room.. and my home.. is there a problem?" he sarcastically remarked.
i didn't mean to come off like that
"oh.. no..." i murmured.
"umm.. i was just wondering.. like- i cant find my airpods anywhere, can you- can you maybe go and check if they're in your room? please?" i lied.
my airpods were in matts room but whatever.
he gave me a fed up look, then made his way up the stairs.
"you're lucky i love you."
i didn't find comfort in that. right now, all i was focused on is cleaning this mess up. but how was i gonna do it in 30 seconds?!?
i quickly sped to the sink and soaked some tissues in warm water and ran back to the sofa and began scrubbing away, until..
"what are you doing, kid. you're so weird." chris joked from behind me.
i looked back towards the sink and matt had also somehow gotten in the kitchen without making any noise, as he cleaned up some of the plates from earlier.
"how are you feeling, mads?" matt asked, his gaze focused on the plates.
"maddie, your airpods weren't in my room.. i couldn't find them anywhere- are you sure they're not in matts room?" nick said, coming down the stairs.
i couldn't hear myself thinking.
"oh, maddie they are in my room. i saw them on your nightstand." matt replied, pointing at his room.
"good news!" nick smiled, coming to sit back on the sofa, but i blocked him once again.
"what? why don't you want me sitting on the sofa so bad??" nick asked, then i saw chris about to sit RIGHT where i leaked, so i sprung to the left and blocked him sitting there.
"what are you doing? what's up, dude?" chris asked. i could feel my palms sweating, and my face was growing redder and redder by the second. i felt so hot. my eyes darted around the room, scared.
they were gonna find out.
i felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up at chris.
"you alright? what's going on??" chris softly asked, his mood going from being all sarcastic to now serious and concerned. i shook my head, as matt came over too.
"you guys are gonna be so mad at me."
"what? no we're not, what happened?" chris questioned, his tone gentle.
"yeah, you can tell us." matt joined in, as nick came closer to me.
i shook my head. "it's like.. so embarrasing..."
they all looked at each other, confused.
"just tell us. whatever it is, we won't be mad. i promise" nick reassured me.
oh they were gonna be SO mad.
i took a deep breath, "my period leaked on the sofa."
they all were emotionless, with no reaction.
"i'm really sorry guys- i've just- i've been on my period for a couple days now and i didn't want to tell any of you because- it's just so embarrassing and like-"
"woah woah woah, hey, it's fine maddie. you're good, take a deep breath." matt said, gently rubbing my back as i tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes.
"why didn't you just tell us? is this why you haven't been feeling well today?" chris asked.
i nodded, a tear sliding down my cheek, "yeah."
i slowly moved out of the way of the sofa so they could see.
"oh, maddie- that's not even a big deal. i promise we can get that cleaned up in no time. no time at all." nick comforted me, giving me a warm smile.
i shook my head, my humiliation getting the best of me as two more tears trickled down my face. "but i feel so bad.. because it's your sofa.. and i r-ruined it.."
"maddie, listen to me. it's not a big deal, you haven't ruined anything, we can really get this cleaned up super quickly." matt smiled, wiping the tears from my face. "please don't be upset, these things happen. it's nothing to be embarrassed about."
"yeah, absolutely. all that matters is that you're okay. you matter way more than our sofa, kid."
i started to laugh a bit, before a fresh new wave of stomach pain hit me again, causing me to double over in agony.
"is it hurting again?" matt asked. i managed a weak nod. "alright, come on, let's get you back in bed. i'll get you some fresh sweatpants."
"yeah, i'll clean the sofa up!" nick
matt gently put his arm around me as we made our way to his room, me leaning on him for support as he steadied me.
"i'm r-really sorry matt.." i repeated, sniffling, as we got into his room.
"hey, i promise you're good. accidents happen. ok?" he reassured me again, as he got out a pair of one of his black sweatpants from his closet. "you haven't caused any problems. if it makes you feel any better, madi once spilt coffee all over one of the sofa pillows but that came out."
i chuckled, feeling a lot better than i did before.
"thanks, matt."

(15 mins later)
i locked myself in the bathroom,with a fresh pair of underwear and matt's sweatpants.. however i didn't know how i wasn't gonna make this same mistake again considering how small those pads were..
knock knock knock.
"maddie, it's me." chris gently said. "you ok in there?"
"yeah, i'm ok thanks. what is it?"
"i got you a few things."
like what?? i cant play fucking guessing game right now, i was literally sitting on the toilet having a midlife crisis.
"what is it?" i asked.
there was a brief silence.
"i'll leave it outside."
i waited a few seconds, and then i heard him walk off. i unlocked the door and quickly extended my hand to outside the bathroom and grabbed whatever chris had left... but oh my god. all my problems were solved.
"oh my fucking GOD chris thank you so much!!!" i shouted from inside the bathroom. i had never been so happy to see pads in my whole life.

once i was done, i headed outside of the bathroom and ran over to chris, who was sitting on the sofa on his phone. i ran into his arms, hugging him, as he immediately wrapped his arms back around me tight.
"did i get the right ones?" he chuckled.
"i love you so much, chris."
he smiled, kissing the top of my head. "i love you so much more."

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang