Chapter 61 - The Fate

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Violence Warning ⚠️

      Dodging the arm of a teleporting Elitist, (Y/N) ducked past and whipped her vines to slash against them.

      She stumbled into a room and slammed the door shut as two Elitists banged their fists against it and tried to break it down. She held her body against the door and looked around for a way out. She was in an operating room of sorts and just like everywhere else, the windows had bars. But she saw that there was a caved-in hole in the ceiling.

       She sucked in a deep breath and quickly ran from the door just as one of the Elitists rammed into it. They stumbled inside while she threw her vines up to grab hold of the foundation in the hole and started pulling her self up.

"Get back here!" An Elitist yelled and grabbed hold of her legs.

       She gasped and kicked fiercely at their head. "Let go of me!"

       When they were resisting, she made more vines appear from her sides that shot toward them and stabbed their arms, forcing them to let go. She pulled herself up through the hole once she was free and stumbled to her feet.

       As she pushed through the new room's door, she desperately tried to come up with a plan.

       Where should she go? What should she do? She was being chased and didn't know where she was going. If there was a chance she could hide, how long will it be until they found her again?

       Another Elitist came out in front of her, one that was much taller than her. She ran into them from their sudden appearance and they grabbed her by the nape and shoved her against the wall. She yelped form the impact as they held her down. When they went to call for others, he vines circled around her back and fiercely swiped down at the Elitist's arm, slicing it but not enough to fully cut it off. It still forced the Elitist to let her go as they growled in pain but she quickly turned around and kicked them back with all her force.

        She pushed past them once the teleporting Elitist arrived and created a portal in the floor that she fell through. (Y/N) screamed and hit the floor of a different hall and soon many hands grabbed her to keep her pinned to the floor. She struggled against them as it took five to hold her down by her arms and legs.

"Hold her!" Spoke a very furious Indi who approached and pointed her knife at the girl. "We take her to Zankora and then we find Xed. He needs to pay for his traitorous crimes against us!"

        (Y/N) grunted as they forced her to her feet and started dragging her off. She struggled against them and even used her vines to attack two of them, but the bigger of the group balled their fist and swung at her head.

        The punch knocked her head to the side as if she just got hit by a cinder block. She fell weaker in the Elitist's grasp as ringing filled her ears and her vision blurred. This made it easier for them to continue dragging her.

       The further they dragged her, the faster she tried to recover. She can't let them take her to Zankora. She planted her boots into the floor but they were kicked out from under her soon after.

       She could feel her anger build up. The desperation and fear she felt only propelled it further.

        Indi kept an eye out for Xed. She was waiting for him. Ready to enact his punishment for going against their Mother and attacking a fellow Elitist. As much as it hurt her for someone she felt close to going against them like this, she balled up her fists and held her knife tighter.

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