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Before we begin, thank you all for the lovely comments and praises! They're what keep me motivated when it comes to writing and I'm really grateful for you guys' support <3

I wouldn't have gotten this far with Shudders without the little community it built and I hope you all will stick around for any future things I do here. You're all the best! But anyways, time for the QnA!

1. What was your inspiration for Daddy Yama and Hubby Dog?

Starting off strong lol. For Yama, I can't remember who or what inspired me to create him. I think I had wanted some small conflict for Akai and decided to give him a twin brother with opposite views (and then proceeds to become my favorite character in the series). But for Dog, he was meant to be an example of Ki and Akai's cruelty and someone who becomes an ally for (O/N). I wanted to carry on that theme with this book as well as he becomes a friend to the new (Y/N).

And for the readers who have been planning Dog's wedding, ya'll might hate me for this but I did consider making Dog the love interest instead of Yama while planning this book lmao. But I didn't plan for Dog to show up early in the story like Yama did and by then I had already planned a strong relationship for (Y/N) and Yama. So sowwy lol

2. While I seriously dislike them, I am curious about Ki and Akai. Was it their souls that appeared to speak with Yama, or was it simply Yama's imagination? And how come Akai was (if I recall correctly) uncharacteristically concerned when he advised Yama? I understand he's his brother and all, but still.

Maybe it was actually them, maybe it wasn't. But I was hoping someone would pick up on the connection of their uncharacteristic behaviors to (O/N)'s last words to them before they passed. Maybe it was actually them finally taking accountability and listening to her final requests or maybe it was just Yama's mind creating the versions of Ki and Akai that he wanted to see.

3. What would Yama and Y/N name their first child if they had one?

I haven't thought far about them having kids. I think the idea of a child would be cute but I also wouldn't mind if they chose not to have children. (I would probably cry if I had to write Yama being a dad though lol. He would be an amazing dad.)

I did plan on making them into the sims and just see what happens. Like if any kid they had will just become canon. But if ya'll have name ideas, let me know lol.

This next person had a lot of questions so I'll try to answer them all lmao

4. Did u know you're fucking amazing?

I could give J.K. Rowling a run for her money😏

5. Could you ever tell people you know irl about your books or would that be too embarrassing? (Cuz like I would die if my friends found my profile)

I've only ever told my friends. I'm too embarrassed to tell my family lmao. They'll just ave to find out on their own.

6. What's the inspiration behind this series?

I think I said this before in a past QnA. At the time I was really into yandere stories (still am) and I got inspired to try making my own. I'm really into sci-fi and horror so I wanted to combine the two and eventually came up with the basic premise to Shudders. It was only when the old draft started to gain attention that I delved deeper into the world and actually put some more work into the worldbuilding and characters.

Things like The Walking Dead, Fallout, and other apocalyptic media were my main inspirations. But I remember a comment comparing the labs to the SCP Foundation but I didn't get into SCP until after writing the old draft. But I can see the similarities with the naming conventions and cells.

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