31: It's In The Eyes

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a/n: double update! don't forget to read chapter 30 first. love y'all.

"—I'm not an idiot, Ryker. I know what to say and what not to say in a conversation."

"I know, Abi, I just don't want you making him uncomfortable by bringing up the past and—" Ryker stopped speaking once he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Ashton was woken up by Ryker, who informed him that lunch was ready. Ashton nodded groggily, saying that he would be there in five minutes. He went to wash his face and freshen up as Ryker went downstairs. Ashton overheard bits and pieces of his conversation with his sister, but both of them pretended as if they weren't just talking about him once they noticed that Ashton was coming.

Ashton decided to ignore it too. He figured that it was probably for the best.

Helena was setting up the table, being assisted by Parker. Ashton nodded in approval as he saw the future Cohen son-in-law help out. Once all six of them got seated, Ashton had to physically control himself from drooling. It had been quite a while since he saw a full spread of food, especially one that was home cooked and smelled absolutely delicious.

It tasted spectacular too, and Ashton was glad that he decided to join Ryker at the last minute. If tolerating Ryker meant eating like this for the next four days, then fuck yeah he could do it with ease. Ashton was starving too, not having eaten a proper breakfast. He pretty much inhaled his food, trying his best to be decent in his table manners.

"So come on guys, how's the shoot for the new movie going? Has a release date been set?" Abi asked, glancing between Ryker and Ashton. Ashton was sitting opposite Ryker, with Parker on one side and Helena on the other.

"It'll premiere next year, probably around December," Ashton answered. "It's all going well so far. We have to head to New York next month for a few weeks though. Part of the shoot is there."

"That's good," Jim spoke up. "Gives plenty of time to promote the movie, huh?"

"Right," Ashton nodded in agreement. "Promotion is my least favorite part, honestly. I hate interviews."

"You're great at them, though!" Helena exclaimed. "I saw your most recent one with Jimmy Fallon, and the one before that with, uh, what's that man's name? The one who looks a bit like a rat? Anyway, I saw them and you were amazing, honey. Like always."

"Thank you," Ashton replied softly. It was so foreign for him to hear praise from someone. It was not the same when critics or fans did it, but hearing it from someone that was family...Ashton never had that.

Ashton glanced at Ryker, who was already looking at him with a faint smile, as if he knew exactly what was going on in the other man's head. Ryker's gaze had a gentleness to it, an almost adoration that made Ashton's heart skip a beat and his cheeks feel warm. He looked back down at his plate, desperately hoping that his face didn't seem as flustered as he felt within.

"Has Ryker been annoying you? Because if he does that then you can call me and I'll set him straight," Abi said with a grin, which Ashton mirrored in an instant.

"Oh, he's been super annoying, but I know how to deal with him," Ashton retorted, making Ryker roll his eyes.

"Ryker!" Helena furrowed her brows in disappointment as she stared at her son. "Have you been troubling Ash?"

"What?" Ryker asked, turning wide-eyed at the accusation. "No! He's the one that keeps bugging me all the damn time."

"Name one time when I have bugged you," Ashton challenged.

"Uh," Ryker blinked, not knowing what to say. Ashton was putting him on the spot, and by the looks on his face he was enjoying it very much.

"Exactly!" Ashton exclaimed.

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