28|No Pictures Allowed

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Eve's POV

Two weeks later

"It's too wet Eve. You need to dry down there a little," Haze complained.

"I can't. Why do you have to be so impatient all the time?"

He rolled his eyes at me.

Haze and I were on the grass in his backyard trying to make a cute painting, but he was driving me crazy. He had no patience and wanted to paint over the wet canvas.

"Keep still," he groaned as he attempted to paint me.

He started doing all of kind of fancy movements on the canvas which made me get excited for the results.

"Let me see!"

He shook his head. "Now who is the impatient one?"

I pulled the canvas out of his hands and immediately frowned when I saw it.

"Haze, what is this?" I cried.

"It's you."

He tilted his head. "What? Did I miss a detail?"

"Miss a detail? You missed multiple details! A sixth grader could do better than this."

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I tried my best."

I looked up to him to see how hurt he was by my words.


"Haze," I said as I got up and sat next to him. "It's not that bad."

"Forget it. You're the artistic one. I'll stick to football," he grumbled as he started packing up.

I laughed. "Taking photos doesn't make me artistic."

He ignored me.


He turned to me. "I might not be a good artist but I'm good at a lot of things."

"Oh yeah? Like?"

"Like this," he said as he put me to lay down on the blanket and hovered on top of me.

"Boring," I teased so that he would do something more.

He lowered his face down so that our lips could connect.

As we kissed, he used one of his hands to rub on my thigh and the other to keep me in place.

"I'm falling asleep here."

He looked at the house before turning back to me. "I can't Eve. There is a camera right on us."

"Who's going to watch it?" I asked as I played with his dangling hairs on his head.

He smirked. "I didn't know you were so freaky, little nerd."

I maintained eye contact with him. "Someone I shouldn't be with taught me."

"He sounds like a dick."

I nodded my head. "He is."

With that, he continued to kiss me.

A throat cleared and we both stopped.

I turned my face to see Elianna. She was so beautiful. She wore a white two piece outfit and her dark, curly hair was left down.

"Elle, you're back."

She simply nodded. She looked sad.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head again. "I'll be inside."

After that, she left.

Haze tried to pick up where we left off but I pushed him away.

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