34|Spiderman Pajamas

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Haze's POV


I immediately put down Eve and turned off the music.

"So, you're dressing up in spiderman pajamas and dancing around with dorks now?" Jason asked angrily.

"What are you doing here Jason?"

"You'd sleep with any bitch but your girlfriend! Out of everyone in the school, you picked a nerd?"

I grabbed his throat and started choking him. "Watch your mouth."

He smiled. "What? You're going to try to kill me like you tried to kill her friend?"

I let go of him and he gasp for air.

"I didn't try to kill anybody!" I shouted.

"Sure you didn't. You just tried to put him in the hospital for a few days."

His eyes drifted to Eve. "I mean, she's kind of hot. I get why you're trying so hard to tap that ass. Mind sharing a piece with me?"

I automatically punched him in the face which caused him to lose his balance and fall down.

"Go Eve."

She held on to me. "No Haze, I don't want you to do anything crazy. He'll tell the whole school about us!"

"Go Eve. He's my best friend. I can handle him."

She hesitated at first but when she saw Jason get back up, she grabbed her stuff and left.

"Did you really punch your best friend over some bitch?"

"Yes and her name is Eve."

He started laughing until he was back on the ground again. I watched him with a straight face until he finally stopped. Nothing was funny.

I pulled out the joint I had stashed before lighting it and sitting next to him.

"Why are you here Jason?" I asked as I passed the joint to him.

He took it. "Can you remember when we first met? It was our first day of middle school. No one wanted to sit with the kid with a black eye, but I didn't care. I sat next to you, and I never left your side after that."

I turned to him and he looked hurt.

"Look Jason, if you're worried about what I have going on with Eve, you shouldn't. It's not going to affect the friendship I have with you."

"It's not about Eve!" he shouted.

"You're the worst friend I've ever had."

I raised my eyebrow confused before taking back the joint from him and taking a hit. "What did I do?"

"There I was looking for you the whole of last night at my party,"


"I asked everyone. However, you were nowhere to be found. I said maybe the sucker finally got burnt out and passed out on his bed or his old man decided to beat the living shit out of him like always."

"I'm sorry- wait. You know about my dad?"

He shrugged as he took back the joint. "I've seen the bruises every time you say he's around. Just figured I shouldn't bring it up. Luckily everyone else thought you'd got into another stupid fight like always."

I stayed quiet as I watched the wall in front of him. I showed my fist and a few seconds later, his touched mine. It was a little secret message we made to each other when we didn't want to be affectionate.

"I'm sorry I forgot about your party."

"Shit happens, we all forget someone's birthday."

I turned to him. "I said I forgot your party, not your birthday."

"What's the difference?"

I pointed to the furniture in front of us. "Check the top drawer."

I got up and opened the top drawer before taking out the neatly gift that I spent an hour practicing wrapping for him and Eve.

He fought himself to not smile. "Looks like the idiot didn't forget everything."

I rolled my eyes. "Just open it."

"Oh no!" he shouted. "How'd you even get your hands on these?"

It was two tickets for his favorite band.

"Elle's dancing there. You can go to it with Ashley."

He paused. "Haze, why would I go to it with your girlfriend?"

"Quit the act, Jason. I know you two have something going on."

"I swear she told me you guys ended things. As soon as I found out you didn't, I quit sleeping with her. You have to believe me."

"I don't care. I'm not mad."

"How did you even find out?"

"I saw the way you two acted together and you brought her up when you saw me with Eve. Your anger confirmed everything."


"We're not together. It's just for show. Go with her and be happy," I said.

He stayed quiet as he sat next to me.

"You know you can't tell anyone about Eve and I, right?"

"I know. You look comfortable with her. You two dating or what?"

I shook my head. "Just messing around."

"How long has it been?" he asked.

"Four to five months."

He shook his head. "Jeez Haze, do you like her or something?"

"I love her."

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